Location Readings Available…
Location Readings are Available… For those who sense, feel and KNOW, they must prepare, It breaks my heart to see them do so, in areas that will either not exist after the Major Earth changes or present them with severe environmental challenges, even more...
OVERWHELMED?? Modules > Modules [Mind & Spirit] > OVERWHELMED?? For all who may feel perhaps, ‘overwhelm’ from ALL that streams into our Conscious Mind on a daily basis from all Media…without a Fulcrum of a Spiritual ‘Anchor’ , one could get lost in the...
Choosing Like Minded Individuals
Choosing Like Minded Individuals Modules > Modules [Community] > Choosing Like Minded Individuals Different people are going to react to potentially life-altering situations like this, in a variety of ways. Stress can do funny things to people and...
Necessary Spiritual Preparation
Necessary Spiritual Preparation Modules > Modules [Mind & Spirit] > Necessary Spiritual Preparation ‘Spiritual Preparation’ for the Imminent Major Physical Earth Changes. We are all aware of what has been happening… and will continue to happen,...
Findhorn the Premiere Community Model
Findhorn the Premiere Community Model Modules > Modules [Community] > Findhorn: The Premiere Community Model -A SUCCESSFUL SUSTAINABLE, CONSCIOUS COMMUNITY -FINDHORN VIDEO FINDHORN WEBSITE : https://www.findhorn.org/about-us/ 1-WEEK OF FOOD AND LODGING COSTS...
Are You ‘Enslaved’??
Are You ‘Enslaved’?? Modules > Modules [the ‘elite’] > Are You ‘Enslaved’?? A World of Fiction February 2, 2010 by Andre H. Paris Growing up in North America we are taught from a young age that we are free. We are taught that we live in a democratic...
About Antonia Lau
About Antonia Lau- Antonia Lau has spent her entire lifetime, in the service of others, through intense Metaphysical & Spiritual Study, Practice and Research, all for the Balance of Mind, Body and Soul.. Everything she has done in her meticulous...
The BEST Sustainable Housing System-
Habitus Building Systems In My many years on the research of for Safe Sustainable, Affordable Housing for Disasters and especially to build communities, I have seen so many versions. However My Choice for the BEST System OVERALL, is the Modular Units that...
Mission Statement
Our mission is to inform, inspire, and PROPERLY Prepare...to all who may resonate... for the actual sequence of events, of the major earth changes,currently in process; and to foster more awareness and Soul Growth.. What is actually happening- As...
The Normalcy Bias or Cognitive Dissonance-
In our Lifetime, we may have seen or heard of people trying to warn others to prepare for an impending crisis or disaster...be it financial. natural disaster or other means. Throughout history the average person takes on the consensus thought, or the...