It is BEST to watch ALL 12 Videos in the Workshop in sequence, to more fully understand the impact these cataclysmic changes on Earth will have on you… and what you can do to PROPERLY PREPARE.

In keeping with our aim to inform as many people as we can, about the impending events, here is one of Antonia Lau’s Workshops on the subject of the MAJOR Earth Changes seen worldwide. This workshop, would normally cost $150 to attend, we are offering this to you for FREE.

This Workshop is designed to give you a broad overview of WHAT the ‘Symphony of Events currently in process, and escalating worldwide, are… THE INDICATORS, and the SEQUENCE…the likely OUTCOMES AND what YOU need to do to PROPERLY Prepare. Hopefully, it will provide the missing pieces of the ‘jigsaw puzzle’ and fill in the holes in your knowledge, to give you a much clearer understanding of the ‘OVERALL Picture’.

If you choose to become a VIP Member, you will get access to much more detailed Life-Saving information, which is constantly updated and added to.  With the generous discounts you’ll enjoy as VIP Member, the savings on one or two of my Services alone, will cover the cost of your membership.

Above all, please be open-minded and watch the series, BEFORE forming an opinion. The mind is like a parachute, it works best when it’s open!  Please consider what we are saying VERY carefully, as your life and the lives of your friends and loved ones could depend on it. Then, use your free will to act upon the information… or not.

If you wish to donate after you have watched the series, please feel free to do so, with our sincere thanks.   Your donation will be put to the Highest use to continue to bring you much more.

Workshop Video 1

  • Natural Earth and Cosmic Changes
  • Average Person’s Reaction
  • Dec 21, 2012 was NEVER the END but the BEGINNING
  • Don’t let Society determine how YOU think

Workshop Video 2

  • The Elite control what we see and think
  • Tip of the Iceberg
  • What’s happening Worldwide
  • Dead birds and fish
  • Chem trails
  • Strange sounds- 7 Trumpets

Workshop Video 3

  • Why isn’t this in the Media?
  • North American Craton is safe
  • Magnetic Pole Shift
  • New Equator

Workshop Video 4

  • Antonia Lau’s waking dreams
  • Tropical forest in Antarctica
  • The Earth’s New Orientation
  • Safest places
  • What’s happening in the Cosmos

Workshop Video 5

  • Magnetic Pole Shifting
  • Changes in the Earth Magnetic Field
  • We CAN’T meditate this away
  • Galactic Center
  • How did the Ancients know?
  • When the Earth stands still

Workshop Video 6

  • When Food and Water run out
  • Volcanic Activity Increasing
  • The Safest Way to Live
  • Planet Nibiru on CNN
  • Proof that there ARE Aliens

Workshop Video 7

  • 97% of Aliens are benevolent
  • Why less than 10% of us, will survive
  • Meditate AND Prepare
  • Prepare for the RIGHT things
  • YOU need to rely on YOU

Workshop Video 8

  • Prepare well ahead of time
  • Key Indicators
  • If you wait till it happens, you’re far too late
  • Insider information about the Elite’s plans

Workshop Video 9

  • Military’s plans for population control
  • 5 Levels of Participation- Which level are YOU?
  • Strategize YOUR Preparation
  • Antonia’s Predictions and Motivation
  • Recommended Watching

Workshop Video 10

  • Pioneering new stage
  • The BEST kind of sustainable housing (as of 2015 Habitus is #1)
  • Incredibly strong and safe
  • Practical, functional AND beautiful
  • Inexpensive
  • Normalcy will keep you sane

Workshop Video 11

  • The Prophecies of Edgar Cayce
  • How the Earth will look AFTER the events
  • Canada will feed the World
  • Seed bank in Island of Svalbard
  • Liquefaction in Japan
  • Considerations to keep you safe

Workshop Video 12

  • Findhorn– Model Community
  • Safe housing made from dirt
  • No more apathy- People are rising up!
  • Sustainable, safe, elegant communities (since 2015 Habitus still ranks #1)
  • Work TOGETHER with Nature, for the good of ALL
  • PLEASE SCROLL DOWN Below, Thank You!

Now you’ve seen all of the FREE modules, we follow up with a more in-depth course, available via VIP Membership, these modules provide a step by step on what to do, so you can make properly informed decisions, for you and your loved ones.
  VIP Membership is offered by paid subscription. We have purposely kept the cost as low as we can, so that we can reach and include as many people as possible. We do not want to exclude anyone because of cost. Your subscriptions go towards building safe, sustainable, off-the-grid communities, to save as many people as we can.

VIP Membership