Throughout out my over 40 years of ‘Guided’ meticulous research, scientifically, geologically, and metaphysically/spiritually, on the topic of the  Major Earth Changes currently in process.  I repeat and urge All who choose, to properly prepare for these events…to 1) realize you must have at least 100 people in your community and no more 150…or you will NOT make it. and 2) the Location MUST be kept secret, and known to only those in charge, OR your community WILL NOT Make it,  ALL your efforts will be open to severe compromise due issues that ensue, after what I have termed, ‘The Symphony of Events’.

It is human nature to do what ‘feels’ comfortable, and not to even look OUTSIDE the Box to consider other grave potentialities and prepare, as much as possible, for those contingencies.

During chaotic, life threatening scenarios, the psyche of all will be under duress.  Many will act out in ways that they would not normally, within the circumstances ahead, unfortunately out of fear.  DO NOT unknowingly open your community to severe compromises that may occur.   Remember…fear is an emotion one ‘chooses’. False Evidence Appearing Real or things your mind makes up…Danger is something that is Real.  There is NO Time for fear in the days ahead. As I always say, “Fear BLOCKS intuition…and you WILL need this intuition, not only to survive…but to thrive and rebuild!  You MUST WATCH the Video Below, which illustrates just one of and infinite number of comprises that can befall a community.  It is from the Classic Television Series, aired originally September 29, 1961, called ‘The Twilight Zone’.  The episode is entitled.  ‘The Shelter’.  Listen…Learn…and Grow!  -A.L.