In the current times, we are seeing the veil pulled away from all places that have been hidden from us.  In Government, in Corporations, in Institutions…and our Churches.    Know these are not isolated events, but the ‘underbelly’ that has lain beneath these hierarchical structures, for hundreds of years.

All this appears now, as humans are to evolve and grow, at this auspicious time in our world.  ALL this is to be revealed to us, so we do not ever allow this to happen in our world, ever again…for highest benefit of generations to come, after the Major World Changes.  Know ALL is NOT what we have been led to believe.

Even in our most hallowed and sacred places….the Dark infiltrates deeply.   Please listen to the  Testimony of Charlotte, a Former Carmelite Nun for over 22yrs, who chose to enter the Convent at 14yrs old.  Her story is riveting and non-stop as she pours out the truth.  I connected to this testimony after being ‘Guided’ to take a Look….you see, I had at one time, was so deeply moved by own love for God, at 14, I nervously, told my mother, after great contemplation, that I felt the best use of my Psychic Gift of Prophecy, was to become a Nun,

She yelled at me for a solid hour about why it was a horrible idea.  I’m glad she did, as I went on to other pursuits more suited to service to others.   Please know the video does not hold back and is an honest portrayal.  KNOW that it is ‘time to truly see’. -A.L.


THIS JUST IN  2/5/19-   Pope Francis Confirms Priests Kept Nuns as Sex Slaves – See BOTH Videos Below.-A.L.