Accurate Forecasts about the World Changes by Antonia Lau
In the time you have known of my work, you may not have been aware, that as a Professional Psychic for all these years, with over 50,000+ Actual Readings with a High repeat Clientele, and High Referral rate, over 40years...I have been 'given' information,...

Findhorn the Premiere Community Model
Findhorn the Premiere Community Model Modules > Modules [Community] > Findhorn: The Premiere Community Model -A SUCCESSFUL SUSTAINABLE, CONSCIOUS COMMUNITY -FINDHORN VIDEO FINDHORN WEBSITE : https://www.findhorn.org/about-us/ 1-WEEK OF FOOD AND LODGING COSTS...

About Antonia Lau
About Antonia Lau- Antonia Lau has spent her entire lifetime, in the service of others, through intense Metaphysical & Spiritual Study, Practice and Research, all for the Balance of Mind, Body and Soul.. Everything she has done in her meticulous...

The Normalcy Bias or Cognitive Dissonance-
In our Lifetime, we may have seen or heard of people trying to warn others to prepare for an impending crisis or disaster...be it financial. natural disaster or other means. Throughout history the average person takes on the consensus thought, or the...

…And Your Part ?
I Believe... That just because two people argue, It doesn't mean they don't love each other. And just because they don't argue, It doesn't mean they do love each other. I Believe... That we don't have to change friends if We understand that friends change....

TAKE AN ACTIVE ROLE There is no scarcity, only the perception of it. Abundance is the true nature of life. Life is abundant, but that doesn't mean it is free of effort or responsibility. On the contrary, effort and responsiblity play key roles in...

The True Purpose in Life-
...Our True purpose in Life...is SPIRITUAL GROWTH--- Through the Balance of our MIND, BODY & SOUL, Throughout our Life Experiences. May we all achieve this Divine Purpose of Evolution, in the Highest Ways possible, throughout our Every endeavor. Most...

INSIGHT When the 'Guides' show a person a direction, or outcome, on the path they are headed...it is then upon that individual to take the necessary steps, with the proper attitude, true intention, and most of all complete trust in God and All Light...

Develop Your Intuition-
Intuitive Abilities Used Harmlessly =========================================================== Today the world is seeing an explosion of interest in intuitive development. Even people living quite conventional lives are being drawn to classes that focus...

Divine Number Sequences-
There are many Cosmic Sciences that have been given to Humankind to aid the connection to Divine Guidance. Numerology is one of those sciences. When you begin to listen intuitively to your Angelic Guidance, they will often show their input through...