LEARN the TRUTH about the 1918 Spanish Flu Epidemic-
Not only was the Vaccination Program to the Soldiers of WW1 who were sent overseas spread disease, they called it 'Spanish Flu' to distance them from the true cause...the vaccinations themselves. Also a University Study was done a few years ago, and found the mandated...

Professor States: Those Who TOOK the Jab, Must Isolate over the Winter or Risk Serious Illness
We must respect the choices of others, but we must also warn those who took the jabs, to be very careful as THEY are at Much Higher Risk for the New Variants as well as any cold, flu or infection, as their Immune Systems are genetically compromised for Life. World...

WORLDWIDE 35 Groups of 100’s of Researchers, Lawyers, and Physicians Mandate STOP to Jabs
ALL that I had deeply researched by March 2020, is now ALL coming to the Forefront, for ALL to know the Truth. The Radio Station Manager wrote to me a few weeks ago, stating I had told them all about the current world issues, over 14 yrs ago. I have continued to do...

PROOF! Thomas Jefferson IS Reincarnated & Inspires US ALL Today!! With Joanne Dimaggio, Author
MUST LISTEN!!! New Show Today- PROOF! THOMAS JEFFERSON IS REINCARNATED AND INSPIRES US ALL TODAY!-With my Guest- Joanne Dimaggio, Author, Past Life Therapist. Edgar Cayce confirmed that T.J. Davis IS the Actual reincarnation of one of our Founding Father's , Thomas...

As a Metaphysical/Spiritual Teacher for over 40 years now, the focus of my studies is always to rid myths and misconceptions from our societal belief systems, and to share brilliant knowledge to contribute to the highest growth and awareness of humankind. ...

Edgar Cayce Confirms the Past Lives of Jesus
Contrary to popular Christian 'belief', Edgar Cayce, himself a devout Christian... learned after 20 years of giving thousands of phenomenally accurate Medical Readings, the actuality of reincarnation and the previous lives, of the Master Soul, BEFORE...

Natural Recipe to Regenerate KNEE & HIP Cartilage-
Doctors Confirm That The Cartilage Of The Hip And Knees Are Regenerated In A Week Using The Mixture Of These Herbs September 4, 2018 | Herbs & Oils, Natural Remedies | 0 | hfhadminHip and knee pain can be extremely intense and debilitating,...

Edgar Cayce-The True Wealth of Knowledge and My ‘Visit’
How I came to the work of Edgar Cayce~ Edgar Cayce, is America's foremost Prophet. With over 14,000 transcribed Readings from his body of work, one can glean amazing truths about our origin, purpose and true mission, covering hundreds of thousands of years of Actual...

How YOU can tell~ the FALSE Twin Flame-
Twin Flames are Real...AND RARE....However, most do not realize they should not go looking for their Twin Flame. It is a Divine Soul Contract made by One Spiritually advanced Soul, who ask God/Creator and the Divine Hierarchy to split into Feminine and...

Your BODY Makes ALL the ‘Drugs’ You Need with Dr. Bruce Lipton
In this day and age, we are inundated by prescription medications, 'feel good' Recreational Drugs, Psychotropic drugs such as Prozac, as well as Hallucinogenic 'Plant Medicines'....However the Body NATURALLY makes ALL these for You.... SO there is NO NEED...