The recent School Shooting in Parkland, Florida has yielded yet another confirmed ‘plan’ by the ‘elite’, current Powers that Be. As you may have guessed, the largest percentage of the U.S. population, fell for all the Mainstream Media Propaganda forced on them.  A system that has successfully worked to their benefit, for decades, to control.

THIS is the REAL intent! People MUST Wake up!! It’s from the Book ‘ Behold A Pale Horse’ by William Cooper in 1991, who worked for Naval Intelligence, who also predicted 9/11 in June, 2001, and stated in that interview, it would be an inside job.

Take a look about what he wrote….regarding the current ‘contrived/controlled events, protests, teen speeches, Alien Treaties, and MUCH More!

ALL PART of the DIVIDE and Conquer- Create Media Distractions…currently seen on a daily basis worldwide.

Please, READ Below for yourself. THEN LISTEN TO the AUDIOBOOK VIDEO-.A.L