What A SAFE Community MUST have…
Throughout out my over 40 years of 'Guided' meticulous research, scientifically, geologically, and metaphysically/spiritually, on the topic of the Major Earth Changes currently in process. I repeat and urge All who choose, to properly prepare for these events...to...

How to Store Fresh Produce Without Power
How To Store Fresh Produce Without Power If you’re like many, a plethora of knowledge which should have been passed down from your grandmother was replaced by the refrigerator and freezer. These are very recent inventions that most people take for granted...

MUST Watch-Ex Elite Whistle-blower Ronald Bernard
At this time in the World, ALL are being given the chance to see the 'Truth' behind the facade of World Governments, the Financial Markets, Banking institutions, their Luciferian Agendas, child trafficking, and YOUR place with them. The 'Veil' is being...

Water Recedes FAR from the Shore in Trinidad & Tobago May 2, 2018
MUST WATCH!!!!!!! WATER RECEDES far from the shores. A Follower of my work and research on the Major Earth Changes currently in process, sent me this Video as he is working for a Corporation on the Islands of Trinidad & Tobago, and this was...

High Yield Food Production and Farming
With the changes in our world, we can now look back and correct areas where society may have not realized that several hundreds of years of Food Growth and Production has not been the best...for the land, the soil, nor the people. We may now embrace,...

Upcycling for your Entertainment
Those with creative imagination, will flow much more easily through the sweeping changes, brought by the impact to our society After the Final Stages of the Major Earth Changes. In the Rebuilding Phase, all with have to be re-made, re-done, re-built... until society...

Producing Fabric from Nettles-After the Major Earth Changes
Most people 'plan' for the Major Earth Changes without thinking about what they will need for years after the events to come. Among those things is a means to make Clothing and Fabric. Yes, their used clothing may be found along the path of rebuilding,...

A Look into the Elite ‘Quiet War’ Against the Population
It is difficult with the many distractions to the American Public to actually realize just what has slowly, carefully, planned around them to control, suppress, and even eliminate much of the World Population. I realize it may be hard to believe or even consider, but...

School Shootings, Gun Control,Teen Protests, 9/11, Aliens and MORE Elite Plans, Confirmed
The recent School Shooting in Parkland, Florida has yielded yet another confirmed 'plan' by the 'elite', current Powers that Be. As you may have guessed, the largest percentage of the U.S. population, fell for all the Mainstream Media Propaganda forced on them. A...

Beautiful Underground Example-Damanhur Spiritual Community
Throughout the World there are Great Examples of Underground Communities, ancient as well as quite new. Damanhur, was actually started by one man with a bucket, who started digging in the ground on his own. It is located North of the City of Turin,...