The True purpose of money is to complete the ‘Mission’ you promised God/Creator… to leave the world Better than when you came.  It is an ‘energy’ of exchange that operates under Divine  Universal Law.

A friend shared this after seeing major success happen for a friend and herself. I tried it twice last week, and this weekend and today were shockingly improved!!?? I am NOT kidding!

You get into a seated meditative position. Visualize God’s Love and white light pouring down through the top of your head. Hold your hands cupped by your heart, as you repeat these words.

In the name of God/Creator, I accept prosperity as my Divine Right.
I have more than enough money to cover my needs.

I accept God’s Gift of Love for me today
…and I receive it into my Life and My Heart.

For More Affirmative Prayers like this, for Every Circumstance Life may throw in your path; May I suggest one of THE Best Compilations  by Author Susan Shumsky, ‘Instant Healing’ , available in Books, Kindle and Audio (voiced by myself, Antonia Lau) PLEASE SCROLL BELOW and WATCH the Video below book cover is from the Edgar Cayce Arizona A.R.E.; a Meditation on Wealth by a Flowing Creek :

In Love and Light,
Antonia Lau