The events that will ensue with the 'Symphony of Events' currently in process and continuing...are NOT for the 'faint of heart'.  If you have found your way to this website, this tells me on a Soul Level, you are realizing you are essential part of the Earth change process. 

Many people have written me to say they have had dreams about the events to come, over their lifetime.  Some  have an 'inner-knowing' that they must prepare.  Do not expect friends and family to understand, go along or even believe this will happen, as it is outside of their ability to understand.  You must respect that their destiny and experiences may differ from yours entirely. 

You must not fear the events ahead.  First of all remember fear blocks, necessary intuition at this time.  That 'gut level' intuition, may save your life, your community and loved ones.  Know that your Soul actually chose to come to the Earth specifically at this time in the evolutionary phase of planetary and human growth.  Your 'Application' was approved by the Divine Hierarchy, because you had the necessary requirement.  All souls on the planet had to have been through Earth Cataclysm before, in past lives...and excelled. 

While each person is completing their third dimensional experiences, preparing themselves by improving mentally, spiritually and physically, as each continues to awaken to their higher understanding, they will continue to be 'guided' in their choices and decisions, through prayer and meditation.

Please understand, this is not an exercise in just storing supplies and getting a location.  This is learning to actually follow Divine Guidance for your best chances and surviving, thriving and rebuilding.  The components of compassion, concern and care of others and the world are essential.  The connection to a 'higher power' is necessary, as no matter how intelligent one is, since most use the 'Left Brain' to determine what they must is through 'Right Brain' and soul development that you will achieve your highest potentials throughout the events to come. 

Know that this period is also about humankind's evolving spiritually.  After the major event's ahead humankind will be more closely aligned to the qualities exhibited by many examples set before Jesus, Buddha, Krishna, Mohammed and Moses  and masters of ALL religions, actually taught, not the diluted versions to control and dominate the populace. 

That is why it is necessary to think of your fellowman, now and after the evens.  These are your 'brothers and sisters', you promised to help and inspire; so it is more than just your family, you must think of at this time.  As you gather 'like-minded' souls to your own community groups, it matters not so much your beliefs... you must recognize all contribute to the success of the community and the 'Rebuilding Phase' planet wide.

The experience in Community Bunker especially after the events when we must build a sense of community while protecting ourselves from the external ravages of weather and planetary anomalies, AS WELL as the elite agenda of depopulation,  continued domination and their New World Order plan, that those that are still alive after the main events will continue to implement. 

After four years, they will kill each other off, and THEN you may begin to 'Rebuild', NOT Before.  You must keep your Community safe and hidden, from drones, satellites, etc. safe from their methods to eradicate all but their 'chosen'.   In this four year period is where you will develop patterns of normal activity, with work in the community, classes, sharing Spiritual, Technological information within the group members, so when it is safe to 'surface', each member will have many more skills to rebuild, than the entered the community with.

You make think of it as a 'University'.  It is in this 'Collective' that you will receive the necessary support, care, love and nurturing.  The reality is many in community will have lost loved ones, friends and family...the world as we know it will have vanished.  ALL MUST Learn to be flexible and flow with the 'new changes' required.  This 'inter-contentedness' with one another, while still allowing privacy and individuality along with high creativity...which has unfortunately has been lost in today's society, where people stare at their phones, not knowing their neighbors lack compassion for their fellowman, and selfishness has been allowed to flourish.  Now the events will require the needed compassion, and spirituality (not religious control) as a foundation for the Rebuilding of our world, for the generations to come and flourish in the highest ways.