HOW to REBUILD Society AFTER Disaster- FREE Course with Bruce Beach-
Over the past several years, while researching the best ways to rebuild society after the Major Earth Changes, I came across Bruce Beach, who had systematically prepared a 10,000 Sq. Ft. underground Bunker, made from 42 School Buses, completed in...

Financial Protection Now ©2017 by Financial Protection Now The Current Financial instability and volatility can leave You and Your Loved Ones, without...

Similar Prophetic Cataclysm Examples- Joe Brandt California Earthquake and other Cities
I was Guided to this information, and upon reading the details, confirmed the information as so close to all that I had been shown, that it sent shudders, through me. When he describes the time frame seeing young men with Bald Heads and beards, as well...

Earth Changes Update 2017- by John Van Auken of the Edgar Cayce Association-
- Before Reading the article below, by John Van Auken, Chairman of the Board of the Edgar Cayce Association of Research and Enlightenment, I would like to note that after an extremely profound, personal, spiritual experience over a few days, long ago, I came...

Over 1100 Volcanoes Currently ACTIVE (Up from 190 !!!)
When I began including Active Volcano frequency in my Major Earth Changes and Pole Shift research I had, back in 1999. The total active Worldwide at the time was 20- -then it went to some 60 …then 70 odd …then 120…. around 2010….then in the past few years,...

Earth Changes in Process-Videos Tell the Story
The Original 'Guided information' Videos~ The 5 Part Videos, after the Intro video below, are sharing actual 'Guided' Information, I was actually 'given', in the highest way. I do not receive symbolic details ever, and they are pre-cognitive in nature, with full...