Habitus GROW DOMES-Your BEST Food Production
Growing Your Food The use of a Grow Dome by Habitus Building Systems is our choice for Community Food. One Dome yields as much as hundreds of acres of land, yet with 95% less water. With the Habitus Dome being R-42+ insulation rating, any...

How to Store Fresh Produce Without Power
How To Store Fresh Produce Without Power If you’re like many, a plethora of knowledge which should have been passed down from your grandmother was replaced by the refrigerator and freezer. These are very recent inventions that most people take for granted...

Producing Fabric from Nettles-After the Major Earth Changes
Most people 'plan' for the Major Earth Changes without thinking about what they will need for years after the events to come. Among those things is a means to make Clothing and Fabric. Yes, their used clothing may be found along the path of rebuilding,...

Back to Eden, when the Environment is Safe to Surface
When it comes to Food Production, especially during disaster or catastrophic times that will increase in our World; people must continue to learn to 'think outside the box' to alternative methods, other than the traditional. The traditional methods...

‘Beyond the Here and Now’ with Antonia Lau -Radio Talk Show
‘Beyond the Here and Now’ is an Award Winning Radio Talk Show that garners over 200,000 Listeners Worldwide Per week. Created and Hosted by Antonia Lau, the show rids myths and misconceptions about the world around you and your place in it. Based on...

Accurate Forecasts about the World Changes by Antonia Lau
In the time you have known of my work, you may not have been aware, that as a Professional Psychic for all these years, with over 50,000+ Actual Readings with a High repeat Clientele, and High Referral rate, over 40years...I have been 'given' information,...

Findhorn the Premiere Community Model
Findhorn the Premiere Community Model Modules > Modules [Community] > Findhorn: The Premiere Community Model -A SUCCESSFUL SUSTAINABLE, CONSCIOUS COMMUNITY -FINDHORN VIDEO FINDHORN WEBSITE : https://www.findhorn.org/about-us/ 1-WEEK OF FOOD AND LODGING COSTS...

The BEST Sustainable Housing System-
Habitus Building Systems In My many years on the research of for Safe Sustainable, Affordable Housing for Disasters and especially to build communities, I have seen so many versions. However My Choice for the BEST System OVERALL, is the Modular Units that...

Permaculture- The Future of our Food Modules > Modules [Food & Water] > Permaculture- The Future of our Food Earth has a built in code of ‘balance’. All Life proceeds within this balance, as Nature, and her Laws, are respected. Our water…our...