With ALL the mounting disaster’s ongoing around the world, and with the our normally busy days just working to keep going, we must realize the Universe does not stop it’s activity…just because we may choose not to pay attention. It will, effect the entire Planet…and Always has. Nibiru (referred to as Hercolubus and confirmed by Edgar Cayce) has a natural cycle of orbit as well as it’s own solar system it is a part of. It will not collide with the Earth, however it’s magnetic field, much stronger than our own seriously weakening magnetic field, with affect our planet in major ways. Nibiru is 6 to 7 times the size of Earth, and this is it’s natural path every 3,600 yrs, whether humans are here…or not. Nibiru or Planet X or Hercolubus, is just ONE component, of what I term, ‘A Symphony of Events’.
As you may know my research on the major Earth changes, spans over 40yrs and continues each day. I contacted Marshall Masters in 2016 and donated over 65 hrs of my Psychic ability, with Marshall and his science analyst, to answer and confirm questions they had about the Nibiru/Nemesis System and it’s effects, etc.
In the video below, you will notice a screen shot of this system with the names of the planets which came from my Psychic work and Marshall Masters’ combined application. The video also includes photo’s by Michael Crimi, a Disaster Relief Coordinator, whom I have had the pleasure of communicating with on these topics for a couple of years now, as well. PLEASE WATCH the FULL Video Below..as you Listen and Learn….ALL while remaining in the CALM Eye of the Storm, as you Properly Prepare…Mentally, Physically and most of all Spiritually.-A.L.