Our mission is to inform, inspire, and PROPERLY Prepare…to all who may resonate… for the actual sequence of  events,  of  the major earth changes,currently in process; and to foster more awareness and Soul Growth..


What is actually happening-


As these events are a natural cycle of Earth’s Planetary Growth, throughout her 4.5 billion year history, and since the cycles are so long between their occurrences, (in this case this is a 26,000 year cycle)…these imminent, Major Earth Changes are outside our current recorded history.

We are actually entering an evolutionary time on our Planet for our greater human awareness  and an expanded consciousness… along with Planetary Growth at a higher vibratory rate and dimensional level as well.

Through ALL change on this Planet, there is not only a Spiritual Growth that is happening, but a Mental and Physical growth at the same time…all in a holistic manner…as Always, affecting Mind, Body and Soul or… the Mental, Physical and Spiritual planes in our World and throughout the Universe.

We are greatly aware of ALL three changes ongoing at this time.   We hope to share with you more on the Physical changes and the PROPER Preparation, as well as the Necessary Spiritual Preparation, since the larger portion of society is completely unaware or finds it an ‘uncomfortable’ subject to discuss.  However Society greatly NEEDS to know, to continue our Survival.  The Proper mental attitude of calm awareness, along with a Spiritual foundation IS A MUST, to allow the Entire Population of our Planet to experience this, ‘Symphony of Events’,  with as much ease and direction as is possible under these intense circumstances.   Thereby Aiding ALL who chose to not only survive the events, but thrive and rebuild in the aftermath.  ALL this, allowing us to be our Best… to share compassion for our fellowman while gaining strength and wisdom.  In this way we Evolve through all of this, to our highest destiny and create a Much better Society…to ultimately become much better humans.

We must aspire to the thinking shown in the eloquent and moving Video of Charlie Chaplin below:


In Love and Light,

Antonia Lau