The point of the  Major Earth Changes is to allow the Earth and humankind to replenish the balance within ourselves…the Earth and the Universe.  The main focus is to not only survive…but to thrive and rebuild…the New World, to its highest  balanced potential.

You must understand, THIS is the Reality of a PROPERLY planned community for the events ahead. It is NOT for the ‘feint of heart’.  This will take all the courage, strength and willpower you can muster, to persevere and inspire others, including yourself and your group.

There is a saying from the movie ‘Starman’ with Jeff Bridges, where he states he has observed that “humans are at their best…when things are at there worst.”


I can vouch for that.  During the 1994 Earthquake in Southern California,  *which was downgraded from a 10.1mg  centered in Northridge, and a 2nd concurrent 8.1 that hit Santa Monica, the entire Los Angeles County area was crippled and paralyzed for 4 days solid, with  building damage still not repaired a couple of years later.

I was literally thrown out of the bed at 4:17am, onto the floor and unable to even get up to stand, the shaking was so intense  I kept being knocked back down to the floor, and watched all the doorways sway at least 45 degrees either side back and forth, while everything tumbled and glass breaking all around with the loud roar of the ‘bowels of the Earth’ outside.

Please realize…It was only 10 to 20 seconds in duration… and severe damages, injuries and deaths were as far as 85 miles away.

All Grocery stores were closed for those 4 days, since all the goods flew off the shelves and power was out. Huge stretches of major highways were gone, No phone service, power out in many areas, people trapped in other areas, Gas stations were not able to pump, Banks and ATM’s would not work, etc.  People in each neighborhood were found to be more caring for their neighbors, sharing food and water, camping out in the Parks, since many homes, were badly damaged.  You could literally feel it in the air…the care, concern, compassion for your fellowman…yet the rest part of the world had ‘forgotten’ the big news… as the week progressed.

…and that was considered a ‘moderate quake’ and quickly downgraded, ( Fear of hurting ‘Tourism’ which was the State’s largest income, and there is a Law on the California books that Residents did not have to pay taxes that year, if a 6.0mg or greater is experienced; that most except the State Government, were totally unaware of. Ironically they held a ‘closed door’ meeting with no media allowed and decided No Homeowner Insurance would be sold for One year, due to the Earthquake).

The events to come will be MUCH more devastating then anything you have experienced before.  There is NO time for fear, as this blocks necessary intuition needed greatly at this time.  ALL Must remain CALM in the eye of the storm.

Please understand…you WILL be tested, and your Spiritual Foundation and fortitude through what lies ahead, is what will serve you in the highest ways.

Now you MUST NOTE:

To achieve the Best chances through the arduous physical, political and spiritual changes, it extremely recommended, to form Communities NO Less than 100 to 150 members, all age ranges.   Any number less than 100 or more then 150 will likely NOT survive.

This brave group of like-minded individuals  must realize the actual severity they may encounter environmentally, from other groups. outside individuals, as well as the bureaucratic or governmental agendas they may actually face. All plans should be done with built in contingencies as well.

Preparing fully for the reality of the ‘Symphony of Events’  that lie ahead in the not too distant future for the entire population; entails every consideration for what is needed in the interim but after the events settle into predictable cycles and patterns.

The Community formed must include a Spiritual Foundation, for it to succeed.  It is this lacking component in the current society, that has lead for it’s need to be culled, cleansed, reformed.  It matters not the belief system of the group as long as they are like-minded and utilize whatever practice they feel brings them strength and support during the the times ahead.

The belief in Soul Growth and a belief in a higher power is essential, for those choosing to continue on through these times ahead. Compassion for others in the group and for oneself, allows each person to be responsible during this transition for their actions for the greatest success of the group.

Humans like things to be ‘nice and tidy’, however these events will be anything but.  Courage, strength, prayer, meditation, coupled with guidance, intuition, leadership and successful pre-planning is necessary in every area.  Even though people may think otherwise, you must be underground to achieve, any semblance of life after the events. This is a must.  It is a waste of time to build community on the surface.

Ancient civilizations, facing these same conditions did so successfully by building underground.   Derinkuyu in Turkey, the Wieliczka Salt Mine, in Poland,   and the modern, Darmanhur in Italy, built by hand with volunteers is an excellent example of what humans are capable of.  There are many more built around the world from times of old to those of modern day.   If you will notice currently, all world governments have done so, with facilities for themselves for thousands stocked with supplies for 6 years.

The Community must be as functional AND, as esthetically pleasing… home-like as possible, allowing a sense of normalcy, privacy, space,  comfort and peace of mind for all in the community.   Everything from Window-appearances with  full-spectrum L.E.D. lighting providing a circadian rhythm , must be built in.  Easily accomplished with several methods of power generation available today …From the basic DIY with timers to moderately priced systems, to luxurious plans for those who prefer.  Every level of style can be completed, based on the cohesive group choices and requirements…from basic, but beautiful, to posh, if that is desired.  ALL this is to provide a psychological stability that is a MUST, for the community to function and continue to grow and Thrive, Not just survive.

Classes, training, agriculture, spiritual studies, planned events, for enjoyment…all this must be a part of the community that will survive. All this plus work duties shared amongst the members is an example of ‘Love in Action’, that is embraced by the Best community example of Findhorn Foundation, which teaches just how to build eco-village communities to all worldwide.  The difference here for the Major Earth Changes…we must be safe from the horrendous impact of tectonic plate changes, floods, volcanic and earthquake activity, extreme high winds and severely erratic weather patterns, as well as keeping marauders out, AND most of all to protect the community from the heinous plans for the  depopulation agenda, and the ‘Order out of Chaos’  perfect storm  for the continued reign of the currently ruling ‘elite, dark state, cabal’.

The psychological ease through the disorder, is aided by as pleasant a surrounding as possible… hidden in a safe environment.  There will be a major loss of life around the world…and for the first 4 years after the main event…the ‘elite’ left will try to regain control.  THIS is the time your community should function as not only a home,  but school,  spiritual space, agricultural foundation with food grown under grown with a system that yields acres of nutrient rich, organic food in a small space 3 times as fast…a  University.. to share knowledge among one another to spread, once it is safe to come to surface.  You must understand, with the world in chaos it is Best to stay hidden underground.  ALL needs must be prepared ahead, and storage for items to rebuild after…as ALL infrastructure must be rebuilt, once that period of time is over.

Four years after the final events, the Cabal and Ruling elite, will have met their own demise.

Then we can begin again, as a much more compassionate, aware, spiritual people…for generations to come.

Through my over 40yrs of Spiritual research, study and practice, I was ‘given’ this information in the Highest way, as well as to what is needed for those destined to continue on.

This is the main template for Safe Sustainable Communities for these changes…

Each may have their own rules and guidelines…But understand, it Must be secret, hidden, underground. ALL safeguards MUST be in place…or you will compromise your community.

For more information you may contact me to arrange, a Workshop, lecture, talk or appointment on ‘Building Safe Communities for the Major Earth Changes Ahead’

Wishing ALL the Best.

Antonia Lau

Contact info:  email: or call 818-381-4902