These are just a few of the Heartfelt Thoughts, in Video and Text Below, from a few of my Clients, about their Experiences—-

Many Thanks with Great Love and Appreciation to them, for taking the time to share~

Whenever YOUR Heart feels drawn to make an appointment…you are welcome to do so.

Wishing you ALL the Best!! Antonia Lau

For Appointments by Phone, Zoom, or FaceTime, please call or email 

Ph:  818-381-4902 or 818-457-6880    


Please Scroll down to See Video and Text Testimonials BELOW-

I just received this message request on Face book, prior to retiring last evening, I was in tears, humbled and surprised.  Beautiful heartfelt thanks for the Divine Service….my hope was to reach at least One Soul….now over 50,000 Reading Consultations.  I remain in humble service.  It’s lengthy, but worth the read.  Wishing ALL well.- (video testimonials above the written ones as well)



Please forgive me for taking so long to get my testimonial to you. I was going to do a video, and then back out.
I had been considering doing a Reading for years, but I always put it off because I’m worried about scam artists. After a good friend recommended Antonia, I reached out to her and scheduled an appointment. As the Reading kicked off, Antonia intuitively felt my apprehension towards having a Reading done and she addressed those concerns, which is something she admitted, she doesn’t normally do. 
  To be honest, I’ve been struggling financially for a few years now, so when Antonia mentioned during the reading that she saw me in a new car soon that came as a big surprise. At the time, there was no way I could see myself in a new vehicle any time soon, or even a different vehicle. About 4 weeks after the reading an attorney I had contacted over a year previously reached out and said my settlement case was moving forward. This still wasn’t cause for celebration and it looked like it could be another year, or much longer before any settlement money came in. However, by the end of that week a surprise settlement deal was offered, which was completely unexpected. I was blown away. 
  There were so many things that were just right on the mark during the Reading, it would be impossible to describe them all here. However, here’s another thing that happened, during the the Reading, suddenly Antonia stopped and said, “be careful of the tire on the drivers side front, no wait, the drivers side rear tire.” About 6 weeks later I was going on a road trip and before departing I checked my tires. During the trip I pulled in for in gas and after starting the truck up again the tire pressure monitoring system showed an alert and my drivers side rear tire was almost completely flat. O M G, I about died right there and totally remembered what Antonia had said during the Reading. The fact is, if circumstances hadn’t turned out like they had I might have been killed, because I tend to drive a bit fast. 
  About a month or so after my Reading a friend of mine was describing her Reading. It was a special Reading which apparently is fairly unusual called an Akashic records reading. Upon listening to my friend describe it, I realized Antonia had covered all of that same information! Which, caused me to appreciate everything said during my Reading even more than I had. 
 Strangely enough, I now consider Antonia to be a friend and I often think of her insights into my life. I’m looking forward to my next Reading.

Garrick F.


Hi Antonia…

First of all I can’t believe I found you, if this is indeed you which looking at your picture… I’m 99% sure it is! You are hands-down the most gifted psychic I’ve ever had the pleasure of working/being read by and I wouldn’t blame you in 1 million years if you don’t remember me because we go back to when you were working at Wizardz at Universal City & I was a waitress at Hard Rock Cafe. My name is Jackie B. I was also friends with D. Wilson who is the bartender at Wizardz which is how I met you.

The last time I saw you was I believe 2002. But once that establishment closed I lost track of you but have spoken often about your gift to my friends and family over these past decades… I will be in no way offended if you have no idea who I am but If you have the time to see my Facebook page, which I rarely am on but will check more regularly, maybe my picture will show your memory but again no hard feelings if it doesn’t? I would just very much like to have some sort of one on one session with you, if you still do that, because you’re the only one who ever “got me.”

And, quite frankly your style was so genuine, and I’ve reached out to many psychics over the years never dreaming I would find you again & I’m not one of them were nearly as credible or operated like you. I was especially in all of how you mostly talk to my guardian angel to find out information about me that was so dead on where as these less genuine psychics just try to read your own body language and base their readings on the vibes they’re getting off, etc….

I still tell people that without having absolutely no knowledge of where I live how I felt about 911 that you saw me “walking up and down my stairs, full of despair, just looking at my dark green carpet & feeling totally lost…” that has always stayed with me & amazed me and not only you knew I live in a two-story home but that you knew the color of my carpet and you knew just how hard 911 affected me before I had even mentioned that I had family in the towers in NYC, etc…

I apologize for this long message I’m just very excited that I found you but I would like to reiterate the fact that if you don’t remember me I will in no way be offended because we’re talking 2002 and I also want to congratulate on the success you’ve had over the years because I always thought you needed to be out there sharing your gift with the world. Yet another reason I found you 100% genuine…

You were totally fine up there, at Universal, not going out seeking stardom but happy there trying to guide & help people. Feel free to message me back here OR since I have a pair we miss the “social media“ praise and I’m really bad at Face-booking, please feel free to email at ***.

And, regardless of whether or not you remember me or I hear back from you… I just wanted you know how much you changed my life by opening my eyes to this whole other way of perception. You even mentioned, I think when we were wrapping up what was to be our last session, you were starting to feel that I might have a touch of “the gift“ and since then I’ve been to quite a few psychics, again no one even compares to you and every single one of them has mentioned that same thing. I think that’s because of what you taught me?

Maybe I was born with it & you brought to the surface? I don’t know…either way… whether our paths ever cross again there’s one thing I really really want you to know because I’m never got a chance tell you since Wizardz closed so quickly and then you were gone! Thank you for being such amazing person, helping me back in the day & I am so thrilled that you’re still out there, more exposed, helping people. And I wish you all the luck in the world. You certainly deserve it. I hope you’re well.

All my best, Jackie (B.) aka former Hard Rock Waitress

-June 2018-                     

I received this unsolicited Testimonial this evening -11/12/18  Please take a look:

…humbled and honored….I’d like to share a Testimonial from a Client from my work as a Professional Psychic, I just received. I thank you, Mike, with all my heart.

My name is Mike S. And if you had asked me 6 months ago what I thought about things like “spirit guides” or “the divine universe”, I would have laughed and told you that it was all just a load of BS. But it’s funny what one encounter with Antonia Lau can do.

I was raised Catholic but as I grew older, I distanced myself from God, and by my late 20’s, I was questioning my faith. My battle with depression was worsening and I was dealing with very difficult life changes that had left me feeling jaded and bitter. I pleaded with God to help me; to send me some sign that He was there and that life was more than what I could see with my own two eyes. I received no response, or if I did, I didn’t recognize it at the time.

So I spent my 30’s as a full on Agnostic, borderline Atheist, mocking any notion of a God or anything that couldn’t be explained by modern science. And although my lack of faith had provided a strange relief in some ways, I felt lonelier than ever. And as my depression worsened, it seemed like life had nothing left to offer me.

By the age of 41, I was in the depths of utter despair. My depression had gone from bad to the worst it had ever been. I called out to God once more, to give a me a sign, anything. This was my last ditch effort to reach out to the universe because I was done trying. But again, my request seemed to fall on deaf ears. So I gave up. I figured I’d just continue with my daily struggles and hope, that sooner or later, I’d be put out of my misery.

Then, a few months later, my friend Jackie mentioned that she had met a “psychic medium” years ago and wanted to track her down. She had been to several so-called “truth seers” over the years but felt that only one out of the many was actually authentic. She finally tracked her down and scheduled a session with Antonia. Although I was an extreme skeptic, I couldn’t help but be intrigued, and as a gift, Jackie purchased a session for me as well.

I had entered my session with Antonia assuming that she would throw out generalities and cleverly dig for information yet somehow make it look like she was pulling it out of thin air. So I tried to stay tight lipped. I mean, Jackie had only told her my first name and I used Jackie’s Facebook Messenger to contact her. She had no prior knowledge of who I was, where I was from or what issues I was dealing with. So if she was going to try to “pull” information, I wasn’t going to make it easy. Yet, as we began the session, she simply asked for my birthday and full name, and within minutes she was telling me things about myself that very few people, if any, knew. By the middle of our session, I was in tears.

After the reading, I was in shock. Antonia knew so much about me, I felt like I was speaking with a friend that I had known my entire life. Being a very logical and scientifically minded person, I thought about our session for days, asking myself over and over, “How could she have known these extremely personal and private details?” I finally came to my logical conclusion…the most seemingly illogical of logical conclusions and one that I still have a difficult time grasping: Antonia has a wonderful, beautiful gift; one that enables her to communicate with a realm beyond normal human perception.

Antonia, you have changed my life. It has been several months since our first session and I have had a handful of readings since and I am still trying to wrap my mind around it. Although my journey is only beginning, I will be forever grateful to you for opening my heart, mind and soul to the truth. It may take me awhile to truly understand my soul’s purpose but at least I’m awake now. My depression has lifted dramatically and I am no longer bitter or fearful. And for the first time, in a long time, I have hope. Thank you, Antonia, from the bottom of my heart.

Helen Benn This is so beautiful. I can honestly say… he’s absolutely spot on!
You are an amazing gift to all those whose lives you enter.
You have a beautiful soul. I wish everyone in the world would reach out to you for a reading… they wouldn’t regret it!😊
Kevin Mullaney So I would love to add my experience to the thread. After years of struggle,It’s like I am and am becoming the best version of myself. And after many readings and countless conversations about what it means to be a being in a human form I see how muchSee More
Stephen Brumbill Well Done!
Maureen A Roques I agree, though not depressed we’ve had several wonderful session with Antonia, she has a special gift from God and the Angels. Thx for this share.♥️😘


Edgar Yohe Antonia you’re a very special person and I will say that you are one of those that have the true gift of spirit. I am grateful to have met you as well. Namaste

I received this unsolicited Testimonial this evening -11/12/18  Please take a look:

…humbled and honored….I’d like to share a Testimonial from a Client from my work as a Professional Psychic, I just received. I thank you, Mike, with all my heart.

My name is Mike S. And if you had asked me 6 months ago what I thought about things like “spirit guides” or “the divine universe”, I would have laughed and told you that it was all just a load of BS. But it’s funny what one encounter with Antonia Lau can do.

I was raised Catholic but as I grew older, I distanced myself from God, and by my late 20’s, I was questioning my faith. My battle with depression was worsening and I was dealing with very difficult life changes that had left me feeling jaded and bitter. I pleaded with God to help me; to send me some sign that He was there and that life was more than what I could see with my own two eyes. I received no response, or if I did, I didn’t recognize it at the time.

So I spent my 30’s as a full on Agnostic, borderline Atheist, mocking any notion of a God or anything that couldn’t be explained by modern science. And although my lack of faith had provided a strange relief in some ways, I felt lonelier than ever. And as my depression worsened, it seemed like life had nothing left to offer me.

By the age of 41, I was in the depths of utter despair. My depression had gone from bad to the worst it had ever been. I called out to God once more, to give a me a sign, anything. This was my last ditch effort to reach out to the universe because I was done trying. But again, my request seemed to fall on deaf ears. So I gave up. I figured I’d just continue with my daily struggles and hope, that sooner or later, I’d be put out of my misery.

Then, a few months later, my friend Jackie mentioned that she had met a “psychic medium” years ago and wanted to track her down. She had been to several so-called “truth seers” over the years but felt that only one out of the many was actually authentic. She finally tracked her down and scheduled a session with Antonia. Although I was an extreme skeptic, I couldn’t help but be intrigued, and as a gift, Jackie purchased a session for me as well.

I had entered my session with Antonia assuming that she would throw out generalities and cleverly dig for information yet somehow make it look like she was pulling it out of thin air. So I tried to stay tight lipped. I mean, Jackie had only told her my first name and I used Jackie’s Facebook Messenger to contact her. She had no prior knowledge of who I was, where I was from or what issues I was dealing with. So if she was going to try to “pull” information, I wasn’t going to make it easy. Yet, as we began the session, she simply asked for my birthday and full name, and within minutes she was telling me things about myself that very few people, if any, knew. By the middle of our session, I was in tears.

After the reading, I was in shock. Antonia knew so much about me, I felt like I was speaking with a friend that I had known my entire life. Being a very logical and scientifically minded person, I thought about our session for days, asking myself over and over, “How could she have known these extremely personal and private details?” I finally came to my logical conclusion…the most seemingly illogical of logical conclusions and one that I still have a difficult time grasping: Antonia has a wonderful, beautiful gift; one that enables her to communicate with a realm beyond normal human perception.

Antonia, you have changed my life. It has been several months since our first session and I have had a handful of readings since and I am still trying to wrap my mind around it. Although my journey is only beginning, I will be forever grateful to you for opening my heart, mind and soul to the truth. It may take me awhile to truly understand my soul’s purpose but at least I’m awake now. My depression has lifted dramatically and I am no longer bitter or fearful. And for the first time, in a long time, I have hope. Thank you, Antonia, from the bottom of my heart.

Helen Benn This is so beautiful. I can honestly say… he’s absolutely spot on!
You are an amazing gift to all those whose lives you enter.
You have a beautiful soul. I wish everyone in the world would reach out to you for a reading… they wouldn’t regret it!😊
Kevin Mullaney So I would love to add my experience to the thread. After years of struggle,It’s like I am and am becoming the best version of myself. And after many readings and countless conversations about what it means to be a being in a human form I see how muchSee More
Stephen Brumbill Well Done!
Maureen A Roques I agree, though not depressed we’ve had several wonderful session with Antonia, she has a special gift from God and the Angels. Thx for this share.♥️😘


Edgar Yohe Antonia you’re a very special person and I will say that you are one of those that have the true gift of spirit. I am grateful to have met you as well. Namaste