ACTIVE Volcanoes & Earthquakes Worldwide-RIGHT NOW!

Approximately 7 years ago, I counted about 22 Active Volcanoes around the World.  Then 4 years or so ago, I counted 72 Active Volcanoes…Then I counted over  143 Active Volcanoes.,then in 2015 over 190 Active Volcanoes.  Just 3 days ago December 2017, I painstakingly counted over 1188 ACTIVE  VOLCANOES Currently Worldwide!!…Many are Unamed, because they are so new.  THIS has NOT happened in our Modern History.  This IS however outside our record of historical events, that are ALL Part of the Natural Cycle of the Pole Shift Process. PROPER PRO-ACTIVE Preparation Is Necessary.

Through my research on this point alone, since 1999, I and many other researchers currently have found that USGS consistently under reports, downgrades, and l deliberately mislead by omission, the true figures reported by other reputable World Agencies,  Mother Earth is a living organism, that ‘cleans house’ from time to time, as a Natural, Normal Cycle of Earth Change and Cleansing….it’s happening as we speak. UNFORTUNATELY, MOST PEOPLE try to MARGINALIZE what is happening…and ignore these Great Changes currently in process… This time calls for ALL to grow, Mentally and Spiritually, to CLEANSE your personal issues, by self-observing and self-correcting… just as Mother Earth is currently doing. Be Aware, CALMLY, PROPERLY, Prepare.

I would be happy to arrange a Free 1 hour Question and Answer Session for Any small or large group requesting more information as to the Best choices ahead.  Please email me at:

Wishing all well- Antonia Lau

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