Member Only Modules- Safe Shelter
Unfortunately, most are not realizing the Need for underground Shelter, until environmental issues have stabilized AFTER the Major Earth Changes have subsided, and weather patterns, etc. have normalized My Top Choices for this are the Habitus Building...
Member Only Module-Preparation

Permaculture- The Future of our Food Modules > Modules [Food & Water] > Permaculture- The Future of our Food Earth has a built in code of ‘balance’. All Life proceeds within this balance, as Nature, and her Laws, are respected. Our water…our...
MEMBERS ONLY MODULES [preparation] [food & water] [shelter] [mind & spirit] [community] [the ‘elite’]

Financial Protection Now ©2017 by Financial Protection Now The Current Financial instability and volatility can leave You and Your Loved Ones, without...

Similar Prophetic Cataclysm Examples- Joe Brandt California Earthquake and other Cities
I was Guided to this information, and upon reading the details, confirmed the information as so close to all that I had been shown, that it sent shudders, through me. When he describes the time frame seeing young men with Bald Heads and beards, as well...

Earth Changes Update 2017- by John Van Auken of the Edgar Cayce Association-
- Before Reading the article below, by John Van Auken, Chairman of the Board of the Edgar Cayce Association of Research and Enlightenment, I would like to note that after an extremely profound, personal, spiritual experience over a few days, long ago, I came...

Over 1100 Volcanoes Currently ACTIVE (Up from 190 !!!)
When I began including Active Volcano frequency in my Major Earth Changes and Pole Shift research I had, back in 1999. The total active Worldwide at the time was 20- -then it went to some 60 …then 70 odd …then 120…. around 2010….then in the past few years,...

Earth Changes in Process-Videos Tell the Story
The Original 'Guided information' Videos~ The 5 Part Videos, after the Intro video below, are sharing actual 'Guided' Information, I was actually 'given', in the highest way. I do not receive symbolic details ever, and they are pre-cognitive in nature, with full...