Nasa Images Show Actual Earth Position Change
Marc the Arcturian, Earth Pole Shift Change Researcher and Former Broadcaster, has a different 'Style' than most, in getting the information out so the 'Blind will See'. He believes 'comedy' and dramatization, makes sure they Listen, and 'don't kill the messenger'....

Huge Sinkhole Just Opened up in Rome
Short Video just posted. This is ALL part of the continuing Earth Changes, due to the Magnetic/Geographic Pole Shift currently in Process. The tectonic plates worldwide are affected...and will continue to do so. CALMLY, Properly Prepare. Mind, Body and...

Community Food and Water
During the coming times of intense stress, emotional upheaval and the need for high physical output, I diet of only the highest nutrient density is required. That diet is a primarily Plant-based diet with organic greens, and vegetables, as the best food...

‘Beyond the Here and Now’ with Antonia Lau -Radio Talk Show
‘Beyond the Here and Now’ is an Award Winning Radio Talk Show that garners over 200,000 Listeners Worldwide Per week. Created and Hosted by Antonia Lau, the show rids myths and misconceptions about the world around you and your place in it. Based on...

Antonia Lau Webcast
Antonia Lau- WebCast

Membership Fees or Donations go toward building Safe Communities
How would you like to be one of the select few that Antonia Lau will personally 'Draw' to become a member insidethe Secret Garden Communities? Membership Fees or Donations go toward building Safe Communities. Not only will you receive all the benefits of...

Supporting VIDEOS-Confirmation
Everyone is far too comfortable, ill-advised and unprepared. What is touted as Global Warming and Climate Change, are actually the EXACT indicators of the fast approaching Major Cataclysmic Earth Changes…… We haven’t seen ANYTHING yet!!! (The ad below...

Accurate Forecasts about the World Changes by Antonia Lau
In the time you have known of my work, you may not have been aware, that as a Professional Psychic for all these years, with over 50,000+ Actual Readings with a High repeat Clientele, and High Referral rate, over 40years...I have been 'given' information,...

Safe Locations
To those that are aware of the need to choose Safe Locations, may I suggest IF they are to actually survive the Major Earth Changes currently in process... that they utilize the 'Guidance' I was 'given' not only for the Location , but the WAY it should be built, as...

Choosing Like Minded Individuals
Choosing Like Minded Individuals Modules > Modules [Community] > Choosing Like Minded Individuals Different people are going to react to potentially life-altering situations like this, in a variety of ways. Stress can do funny things to people and...