A Look into the Elite ‘Quiet War’ Against the Population
It is difficult with the many distractions to the American Public to actually realize just what has slowly, carefully, planned around them to control, suppress, and even eliminate much of the World Population. I realize it may be hard to believe or even consider, but...

School Shootings, Gun Control,Teen Protests, 9/11, Aliens and MORE Elite Plans, Confirmed
The recent School Shooting in Parkland, Florida has yielded yet another confirmed 'plan' by the 'elite', current Powers that Be. As you may have guessed, the largest percentage of the U.S. population, fell for all the Mainstream Media Propaganda forced on them. A...

Beautiful Underground Example-Damanhur Spiritual Community
Throughout the World there are Great Examples of Underground Communities, ancient as well as quite new. Damanhur, was actually started by one man with a bucket, who started digging in the ground on his own. It is located North of the City of Turin,...

Back to Eden, when the Environment is Safe to Surface
When it comes to Food Production, especially during disaster or catastrophic times that will increase in our World; people must continue to learn to 'think outside the box' to alternative methods, other than the traditional. The traditional methods...

Through my over 40yrs of Research of the subject of Major Earth Changes, I am 'Guided' to confirm proof of this Major Event of Axial Shift in Process. There are only a few credible Researcher's with credible work. One of those is 'Marc the Arcturian'. ...

More on Fake Media and False Flags
As you may or may not know, the term, 'Conspiracy Theory' was actually coined in 1967, by the CIA to label people who had stumbled on to secret operations by our Shadow Government. Most 'so-called theories', were actually found to be True. Please Listen...

BEST Remedy for Alzheimer’s, Dementia, and Short-Term Memory Loss-Gotu Kola
The Video I have created below is to share the knowledge of a phenomenal natural remedy for the greatest improvement in Alzheimer's, Dementia and Short-Term Memory Loss ---1000 times more effective than Ginkgo Biloba. The body and soul respond best, with...

Time to Wake Up-Shadow Government or Deep State?
Throughout my entire life, I have sought to looker deeper than we are actually shown, sense deeper, and to rid myths and misconceptions from societal belief systems. It is confirmed as part of my life mission and life work, in service to others. I have...

Mass Animal Deaths
Throughout my Major Earth Changes Research, the incidences of mass bird, fish,dolphin,whale, starfish,deaths have not gone unnoticed. Be it from the Magnetic Pulses currently in process, or even HAARP, which was out of service for 3 years until last...it...

Earthquake Pressure Transfer Map
Even though I began deeply research geological Earth Changes in the mid-70's, I only gained access to a computer in 1999. It is then I started to compile the day to day, week to week, Quake activity Worldwide, and noticed major upticks continue since that...