LEARN the TRUTH about the 1918 Spanish Flu Epidemic-
Not only was the Vaccination Program to the Soldiers of WW1 who were sent overseas spread disease, they called it 'Spanish Flu' to distance them from the true cause...the vaccinations themselves. Also a University Study was done a few years ago, and found the mandated...

Professor States: Those Who TOOK the Jab, Must Isolate over the Winter or Risk Serious Illness
We must respect the choices of others, but we must also warn those who took the jabs, to be very careful as THEY are at Much Higher Risk for the New Variants as well as any cold, flu or infection, as their Immune Systems are genetically compromised for Life. World...

WORLDWIDE 35 Groups of 100’s of Researchers, Lawyers, and Physicians Mandate STOP to Jabs
ALL that I had deeply researched by March 2020, is now ALL coming to the Forefront, for ALL to know the Truth. The Radio Station Manager wrote to me a few weeks ago, stating I had told them all about the current world issues, over 14 yrs ago. I have continued to do...

John Moore-Former Navy Officer on why the Jab Agenda is Being Pushed Due to the Major Earth Changes
Many may not be familiar with John Moore, Retired Navy Officer, who found information during his time in the service on the Major Earth Changes, that the Government had on had and has been working on their plans for decades. John has shared this information since his...

PROOF! Thomas Jefferson IS Reincarnated & Inspires US ALL Today!! With Joanne Dimaggio, Author
MUST LISTEN!!! New Show Today- PROOF! THOMAS JEFFERSON IS REINCARNATED AND INSPIRES US ALL TODAY!-With my Guest- Joanne Dimaggio, Author, Past Life Therapist. Edgar Cayce confirmed that T.J. Davis IS the Actual reincarnation of one of our Founding Father's , Thomas...

Bruce Beach and his ARK TWO Survival Shelter-BEST Video INSPIRES ALL
My association to Bruce Beach and his amazing efforts towards humanity, began during my research of Safe Communities and Bunker systems, for various world concerns, back in early the 2000's. I was impressed that one man and his wife, would take their own...

In today's World, rarely do we see a Government with true concern for it's Citizens.enough to alert them to be proactive instead of reactive, and properly prepared for what lies ahead. Sweden sent a booklet to every one of it's Citizens to helot them...

Natural Recipe to Regenerate KNEE & HIP Cartilage-
Doctors Confirm That The Cartilage Of The Hip And Knees Are Regenerated In A Week Using The Mixture Of These Herbs September 4, 2018 | Herbs & Oils, Natural Remedies | 0 | hfhadminHip and knee pain can be extremely intense and debilitating,...

After just hearing about the supposed 'Wildfires in Paradise, California, I KNEW there was a heinous reason it had been targeted by the elite for some reason...just by the name of the town, and I wanted to be 'guided' to the real answer as to why... and...

Nibiru is REAL and NASA KNOWS-Confirmation Within
Nibiru, Planet X, Hercolubus, The Red Planet,The Destroyer, The Brown Dwarf, and several other names throughout Earth's 4.5 billion year history... It was discovered again by Astronomer's such as Carlos Ferrada; and even written about in several magazines, such as...