Findhorn the Premiere Community Model
Modules > Modules [Community] > Findhorn: The Premiere Community Model
1-WEEK OF FOOD AND LODGING COSTS -ONLY $600!! (there are also sliding scales based on your income and a Scholarship Program) Also groups or Family Programs and Gay or Lesbian Programs are available as well! Please contact these 166 People in over 34 countries, IN YOUR AREA, for more guidance on Building a Similar Community. Please refer to the List of Worldwide Resource People in the link above to find the RESOURCE PERSON nearest you.
by Antonia Lau
In the late 70’s to early 80’s, I was ‘Guided’ to study the FINDHORN COMMUNITY, that began from 3 individuals… with no money in a tiny trailer/caravan, on an isolated beach shore, in Scotland. A husband , and a wife, and their mutual female friend. Peter and Eileen Caddy and Dorothy MacClean. The wife was Psychic, and Dorothy McClean, with a deep Metaphysical/Spiritual background, was of ill health.

With only a few cents to buy seeds to grow food, they planted in the sandy soil, and knowing they needed more help under these conditions, for a better yield, and made a connection with God, the Earth and the Devic (Nature) Spirits to help them grow their small gardens.The result: Unusually HUGE vegetables, with great nutritional value and Life-force. I had learned that all successful ventures need 3 combined ‘energies’, ALWAYS, to operate successfully in any endeavor on the planet…be it a business, a foundation, or a community, etc.

They MUST have these 3 components: One person largely representing the Spiritual connection, One person largely representing the Mental knowledge, and One person representing the Physical, use or application. Each may be versed in All three qualities, however One will be outstanding, and ALL will unite and overlap in the use of these qualities… for the Good of the ‘Whole’ After deep research and study, I found that groups, companies or organizations would fall apart without these 3 representations

What I found with the ‘beginnings’ of Findhorn, was that they had incorporated this necessary quality, from the start. Successful in everything from producing award winning gardens, to building an EcoVillage, to running spiritually based schools and a college; complete with ongoing classes and events for their Visitors from all over the World…

After over 40yrs of touting the Findhorn Organization and it’s Excellent Example for the Future of humankind, I was given the opportunity to visit and attend their brilliant ‘Experience Week’- !
Through, I was able to find great airfare. The original Roundtrip price was $2600 per person. I juggled the date of return to a Sunday and the Roundtrip price change to only be $760.00 USD!!! Grateful and thankful for the opportunity, I was Thrilled to say the least!
This is a fantastic way to get a ‘taste’ and it did NOT disappoint! There were 20 in my group and our Facilitators, Fabien Barouch, resident for over 24 years, and Rog Coulson, for over 15 yrs, were excellent at Guiding all for a FULL Packed week!
I asked them both, individually, what they saw as the main ingredient for Findhorn’s Success…they both said, it was the Spiritual Base and Component that continues to be the foundation of the Community. I took in as much data, spiritually and mentally, that I could that week…the experiences were much more than absolutely amazing! To this day, I have only shared with a few. the soul stirring things I actually saw, and I am eternally grateful for the rest of my life.

FINDHORN IS a TRUE MODEL of Co-Creation in a Sustainable, Conscious Community. THIS IS TRULY A MODEL …FOR THE WORLD TO COME….