Please understand, this is NOT ‘Hearsay’, nor any type of Conspiracy Theory, as I do not engage in that way. You MUST NOT accept the Mainstream Media/Government, statement on 14 different fires… miles to hundreds of miles away, in California, starting from a downed electrical wire, that snapped. (P G & E is owned, up thee chain, by the Rothschild’s) REALLY LOOK at the videos below and the other posts I have on this issue…THINK, and KNOW this is NOT acceptable! The Numbers of Deaths is also being under-reported purposefully. ‘The Powers that Be’ want you to believe the nonsense, all while atrocities like this and much more are being committed. The losses faced are STILL major among the survivors throughout the state, til this day and on…
Reality…this happened….and does need to be addressed in your own mind…as to the REAL world around you. ALL must CALMLY, Properly Prepare…Mind, Body AND Soul. Wishing ALL well.-A.L.