…Continued confirmation of the my over 40 yrs of meticulous research on the Major Earth Changes, currently in process. Learn What is ahead and How Best to Properly Prepare by watching the FREE Workshop Videos 1-12 on the World Changes Tab on this website. Wishing all well.-A.L.

Space Weather News for Feb. 22, 2018

EARTH’S MAGNETIC FIELD IS RINGING LIKE A BELL: This morning in Lofoten, Norway, a magnetic observatory picked up unusually pure low-frequency waves rippling around the Arctic Circle. Known as “pulsations continuous” (Pc), these rare magnetic oscillations can energize particles in our planet’s magnetosphere, boosting the brightness of auroras. Indeed, strong auroras are being seen right now in Scandinavia. Visit today’s edition of Spaceweather.com to learn what caused these Pc waves and to monitor the ongoing display.

Above: This chart recording shows electrical ground currents in Norway on Feb. 22nd surging back and forth every 100 seconds–a sign of unusual waves in the magnetic field overhead. Credit: Rob Stammes of the PolarLightCenter.