High Yield Food Production and Farming
With the changes in our world, we can now look back and correct areas where society may have not realized that several hundreds of years of Food Growth and Production has not been the best...for the land, the soil, nor the people. We may now embrace,...

Upcycling for your Entertainment
Those with creative imagination, will flow much more easily through the sweeping changes, brought by the impact to our society After the Final Stages of the Major Earth Changes. In the Rebuilding Phase, all with have to be re-made, re-done, re-built... until society...

School Shootings, Gun Control,Teen Protests, 9/11, Aliens and MORE Elite Plans, Confirmed
The recent School Shooting in Parkland, Florida has yielded yet another confirmed 'plan' by the 'elite', current Powers that Be. As you may have guessed, the largest percentage of the U.S. population, fell for all the Mainstream Media Propaganda forced on them. A...

Beautiful Underground Example-Damanhur Spiritual Community
Throughout the World there are Great Examples of Underground Communities, ancient as well as quite new. Damanhur, was actually started by one man with a bucket, who started digging in the ground on his own. It is located North of the City of Turin,...

Earthquake Pressure Transfer Map
Even though I began deeply research geological Earth Changes in the mid-70's, I only gained access to a computer in 1999. It is then I started to compile the day to day, week to week, Quake activity Worldwide, and noticed major upticks continue since that...

Community Food and Water
During the coming times of intense stress, emotional upheaval and the need for high physical output, I diet of only the highest nutrient density is required. That diet is a primarily Plant-based diet with organic greens, and vegetables, as the best food...

‘Beyond the Here and Now’ with Antonia Lau -Radio Talk Show
‘Beyond the Here and Now’ is an Award Winning Radio Talk Show that garners over 200,000 Listeners Worldwide Per week. Created and Hosted by Antonia Lau, the show rids myths and misconceptions about the world around you and your place in it. Based on...

Membership Fees or Donations go toward building Safe Communities
How would you like to be one of the select few that Antonia Lau will personally 'Draw' to become a member insidethe Secret Garden Communities? Membership Fees or Donations go toward building Safe Communities. Not only will you receive all the benefits of...

Accurate Forecasts about the World Changes by Antonia Lau
In the time you have known of my work, you may not have been aware, that as a Professional Psychic for all these years, with over 50,000+ Actual Readings with a High repeat Clientele, and High Referral rate, over 40years...I have been 'given' information,...

MASSIVE JUMP in ACTIVE Volcanoes & Earthquakes Worldwide-RIGHT NOW!
ACTIVE Volcanoes & Earthquakes Worldwide-RIGHT NOW! Approximately 7 years ago, I counted about 22 Active Volcanoes around the World. Then 4 years or so ago, I counted 72 Active Volcanoes…Then I counted over 143 Active Volcanoes.,then in 2015 over 190...