Natural Recipe to Regenerate KNEE & HIP Cartilage-
Doctors Confirm That The Cartilage Of The Hip And Knees Are Regenerated In A Week Using The Mixture Of These Herbs September 4, 2018 | Herbs & Oils, Natural Remedies | 0 | hfhadminHip and knee pain can be extremely intense and debilitating,...

Edgar Cayce-The True Wealth of Knowledge and My ‘Visit’
How I came to the work of Edgar Cayce~ Edgar Cayce, is America's foremost Prophet. With over 14,000 transcribed Readings from his body of work, one can glean amazing truths about our origin, purpose and true mission, covering hundreds of thousands of years of Actual...

After just hearing about the supposed 'Wildfires in Paradise, California, I KNEW there was a heinous reason it had been targeted by the elite for some reason...just by the name of the town, and I wanted to be 'guided' to the real answer as to why... and...

Proof and More-Pole Shift IS in Process-
Please take a look a the 'inimitable' Marc the Arcturian (Heliophysicist) style, and his newest videos, confirming all that I have been shown regarding the major Earth changes, currently in process. With my over 40yr research on the subject. I still research 12 to...

EVEN MORE PROOF regarding the California Wildfires and the Elite Agenda
Please understand, this is NOT 'Hearsay', nor any type of Conspiracy Theory, as I do not engage in that way. You MUST NOT accept the Mainstream Media/Government, statement on 14 different fires... miles to hundreds of miles away, in California, starting...

MORE California Fires and PROOF of Directed Energy Weapons
MORE PROOF of Directed Energy Weaponry. Apparently California is NO Longer an Asset for the Corporation (due to the coming Major Earth Changes.) THIS is what started the FIRES in Northern and Southern CALIFORNIA. NOTE the town of 'PARADISE' was Completely destroyed. ...

New Confirmation on the New North Pole to Come AND Earthquake Patterns
In my over 40yrs of scientific, geographic and Metaphysical/Spiritual research of the Natural Cycle of Pole Shift and its attendant Earth Changes and Upheaval, I find more and more information that confirms All that I have been 'Divinely Given', regarding...

Habitus GROW DOMES-Your BEST Food Production
Growing Your Food The use of a Grow Dome by Habitus Building Systems is our choice for Community Food. One Dome yields as much as hundreds of acres of land, yet with 95% less water. With the Habitus Dome being R-42+ insulation rating, any...

Your BODY Makes ALL the ‘Drugs’ You Need with Dr. Bruce Lipton
In this day and age, we are inundated by prescription medications, 'feel good' Recreational Drugs, Psychotropic drugs such as Prozac, as well as Hallucinogenic 'Plant Medicines'....However the Body NATURALLY makes ALL these for You.... SO there is NO NEED...

Solutions to the Problems with the elite…’Soulutions’
“It was apparent that materialism was in complete control of the economic structure, the final objective of which was for the individual to become part of a system providing an economic security at the expense of the human soul, mind, and body.” ― Manly P....