Choosing Like Minded Individuals

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Different people are going to react to potentially life-altering situations like this, in a variety of ways. Stress can do funny things to people and cause them to react in odd and surprising ways.

Imagine being locked in a bedroom, for 6 months, with your immediate family and best friends. Could you manage to do it without strangling someone? That’s why it’s VITAL to choose the right kind of people in YOUR community. People who can roll with the punches and keep their spirits high and people you can depend on to help out and cover your back, without question.

Here is a guide to the qualities you’ll need to have and look for in would-be fellow community members.


5 levels of participation



It starts with someone who knows nothing about the Major Earth Changes, Nibiru, Pole Shift, they hear about it for the first time      ……..Either from a person they know

-or from a person they don’t know

-or through a media item

-or a book in a bookshop

-or library -or a film trailer promotion

-or seeing a DVD

-or by accidentally stumbling upon it on the Internet (Note: There may be a dividing line created in 2009. If they heard about 2012 prior to 2009 it was associated with the Mayan Calendar, however since the Hollywood film, the association has been with “The End of the World” idea).


The next step in the process is:

A. They totally ignore it or

B. They are open to hearing more information or

C. They are actually curious and start searching for more information.


A person starts searching for more information by:

– Buying, borrowing and reading books on MAJOR EARTH CHANGES, POLE SHIFT

– Going to the internet

– Asking other people about it

– Attending meetings, workshops, forums or seminars.


At this stage in the ongoing process, a person has some information but soon discovers that there are many conflicting opinions on the subject, as well as different sets of data. As a result of this, they will most likely:

Option A

Keep searching, as the more they examine, the more they find there is to examine, and they keep an open mind.

Option B

They say sentences like… “I know what it is all about, and so I don’t need to know any more” (a lot of New Age people seem to be saying this).

Option C

They say sentences like… “Nothing is going to happen – it will be like Y2K, just another scare and false alarm like 2012, fear porn, conspiracy theory”

Option D

It mirrors the fears of negative minded people who expect the worst to happen in any situation. They think that if there is going to be a terrorist attack, they believe they will be the ones there! “It’s just my luck”. So these people will believe that even more disasters will strike after 2012 and beyond.

Option E

Some Christians will say it is proof of Armageddon and nothing much can be done because we have no influence on any outcome.

Option F

Some people claim it is part of a vast government conspiracy to give more power to a New World Government who uses hidden technologies.

Option G

surround yourself with likeminded people

Some people will claim it is just a money making action by publishers, media producers, authors, and film DVD makers.

…And Finally —-

Step 5

People actually take the information seriously. They believe that something is going to happen and take action. These actions vary, but generally involve a person making changes. These changes may be in thoughts, in lifestyles or may even result in them selling and moving to another location, or another country.

Some say that the action of change is accelerating, and that shifts in consciousness and social transformation is ongoing year by year in the lead up to 2012 and after– which will become a Zero Point. “Time” as we experience it, is changing, and that we now have limited time to make changes.

By now, these people at this level are fully engaged in the situation, it is not just a casual activity. They may be networking with other people on the subject, or involved in building projects or implementing alternative technologies in the workplace or at home.

There are a great number of shifts that people make when they have entered the fifth level of response to the Major Earth Changes, so if you find yourself reading this line it is probably best for you to actively search out and find people who are at the fifth level of the Major Earth Changes interaction where you live and talk with them at length.

I suggest that you find as many people as you can at this level, for all those people will be approaching the reality from different perspectives. The more people you meet, will mean, that you might just meet people who you really like… and then joyfully start engaging and working with them. “May the force be with you”.     Author Michael Klein Ewin  (source

Edited by Antonia Lau