In the time you have known of my work, you may not have been aware, that as a Professional Psychic for all these years, with over 50,000+ Actual Readings with a High repeat Clientele, and High Referral rate, over 40years…I have been ‘given’ information, in the highest ways, not only about each clients personal lives during a reading, to aid their journey along their Lifepath and future…but I have received profound information about Major World Events, affecting us All for many, years, that have amazingly come to pass.

I did not need to seek ‘fame or aggrandizement’, but shared the information with the persons receiving the Reading who asked about world events, or Friends who brought up the subject matter during World discussions on these topic.

I have always, prided myself in giving my metaphysical Best in the Highest way… in All that I do and this ‘Work’.

One of the Most Recent Examples:

-Anchorage 7.0 mg Earthquake November 30, 2018

On the Afternoon of November 29, 2018, I was in the middle of a Conversation with a Client and dear friend for some almost 20 yrs, I was Guided to immediately Look to my right at the World Map I have on my office wall, in mid sentence.  I was drawn directly to the Far Northwest of North America, and said, :There’s going to be an Earthquake in the Upper Northwest on the Coast, in the Canada or the upper U.S. The next morning at 9:30am PST Anchorage experienced a 7.0mg Earthquake, with 5.8 aftershocks…and over 140 more aftershocks.  

Please see Video Validation:

***A few examples..

-Mt. St. Helens Eruption and U.S. Volcanic Eruptions   

-In the late 1970's I told co-workers, we would begin to have volcanic eruptions in the U.S. ...In 1980, Mt. St. Helens, blew and just ash and steam cleared and area 5 miles surrounding of trees, homes, etc. in one instant.

-Sumatra Earthquake and Tsunami

-In the mid-90's, Clients began worrying about 2000 and Y2k... I was told 'by the Guides' that we would see the Major Earth Changes begin in January 2005...And just 5 days before...on December 26, 2004... The Tsunami hit Sumatra, taking over 250,000 lives in an instant, affecting 800,000, and actually moving the island 1 mile!

-2000 U.S. Presidential Election

-Just two days before the 2000 Election...the 'Guides' said to me, "Al Gore is the Real President. If the 'Other one' gets in (they wouldn't even say his name!) , there will very negative consequences, causing serious damage and hardship for the people, that will take years to overcome. The rest was so horrible I couldn't remember the exact words! , in May Two days later, Bush stole the Presidency....and we sat back for 8 years... and did nothing.


-Early in Spring of 2001, a Client came to me asking if a dream he had about New York was real, and stated that he would be leaving in the summer for a job there. As what happens to me during a Reading... they put me in his body and I 'saw' him crouched with many others, frantic, in what appeared to be a stairwell in a high-rise with smoke billowing around him and I could feel the heat of flames at his back. The 'Guides' told me it was about 'War'...I told him please listen to his intuition and his Guide at that time and follow what they told him....I have not ever heard back from that Client.

-Iraq  War and Suddam Hussein

-On the of morning March 20th, 2003 before I woke, the Guides showed me Saddam Hussein's head and face, along In with a personal message for me...I woke up turned on the TV, and all stations were airing the News that we had just invaded Iraq.

-Sun Not setting in the Far North West and too Bright

In 2006 at my home in Valencia, California, I noticed the was 'Guided' to notice the extreme change in where the Sun was not coming into my home, through areas it had not even shone on before, through several seasons prior.  I also noticed the Sun was much too bright; you could no longer look up at the sun and were blinded when driving on streets that had not had the problem before.  I checked with 3 compass and noted a 23 to 28 degree variance of Magnetic North.  I began to research this anomaly and found an Architect who had built a Solar powered home in Kingman, Arizona, back in 1970, had found that the new owners could not get the solar apparatus to work at all.  After checking all his original specs, he too found a 23 to 28 degree variance in Magnetic North.   In my meticulous research many years prior, I had found that when Magnetic North moves its location, Geographic North catches up to be near it.

-Pole Shift , New North and South Poles, New Equator

-In July 2010, in another 'waking dream' I was given detailed information about the Earth's Axis Shift and Crustal Changes along with the information about the soon to be 'New location of the North and South Poles'. So detailed was the information, that I purchased an accurate beach-ball Globe shortly after ... and calculated this new location. Then I went on to articulate a Globe  and marked the it as I had been 'given' (Please see video, - )


March 5-12 2011I was one of the Guest Speakers of a Conference at Sea on Norwegian Cruise Lines to the Mayan Peninsula in Mexico.  I gave two workshops on the Coming Major Earth Changes, and Building Safe Communities, telling the over 200 attendees, they must expect and prepare for Earthquakes, etc as we move toward a Pole Shift.  On March 11th on board the ship was rocked intensely on all decks, Water Splashed out of the Deck Pool and Hot tubs, as we swayed strongly in our staterooms.  SO strongly the Captain came over the Ship's intercom to say we had just been hit by the tail end of the Tsunami after the 7.4mg Earthquake that just occurred in Japan.   We were one of the only two ships that were hit at sea, the other ship was the Disney Cruise Line.


On December 20, 2012 ,  I was a Guest Speaker  with a Conference at Sea, on Carnival Cruise Lines, where I was 'Guided' to tell the audience, the Ancient Mayans were telling us December 21, 2012 would be the warning that we were now on the 'Runway' toward the Galactic Center and would experience Meteorite impacts as we go toward that 'Center'.  First 1,  a few, then more, each time.   In February 2013, Chelyabinsk Russia was impacted with a huge Meteorite over 4 to 5 tons, which caused damages and many injuries across the area.    By the end of that year, the U.S. alone counted over 300 meteor impacts, with sightings over many cities, including Atlanta Georgia. ( Video available on the Member Section of this website)

-Plant Nibiru, Planet X, Hercolobus, Wormwood

During  the Summer of 2014, I contacted Marshall Masters, Planet X, Nibiru Expert, and former CNN Science Producer and donated over 65 Hours of Psychic Readings with he and his Science Analyst, answering all their questions, from trajectory, location, Planet Names, impact information, etc.  He said, "they were shocked, because I batted all there questions right out of the park!"   He went on to Publish a book based on my Readings with him that September, called ' Being in it for the Species'.   During the pre-publishing, I found he had added his own extrapolations as to what to expect on Earth, which were very different from the material I had been 'given' by the Guides, so I kindly ask that he change my name in the book to 'Adriana' instead.   To this day All the Guides have given me has actually come to pass and continues to do so, now for over 40 yrs.

-Earthquakes, Tectonic Plates, sinkholes, 'trumpets', weather extremes, Flooding, Lakes and Sea water disappearing

As I was 'given' Earthquakes have exponentially risen who much higher frequency and magnitude, and are happening in unusual areas more often, Worldwide.  Tectonic Plate movement has continue graduate, causing sinkholes, Worldwide, in Every Country.   Snow is appearing on the Sahara Desert and other locations it has not appeared in our known history,  Massive Flooding world, Lakes and Rivers disappearing over night, Sea Coast with water receding far from the beaches, leaving hundreds of boats lying flat on the sand, in Ecuador, Uruguay, Florida, parts of the Caribbean, several times.  All this is indicative of the Pole Shift in Process.

-Mass Animal Die offs 

I was 'given' the information in the 80's that large populations of mammals, fish and birds would be 'leaving' the Earth, before the devastation of the Pole Shift Process. By 2017 YouTube and New Reports all over the World confirm this.

I was  given another dream regarding the Earth's rotation on her Axis in detail,  and share that in a video, along with other information AND continue to show the proper preparation Practically, as well as Spiritually and Mentally, on my YouTube Channel , and this website.

I have been given the honor of sharing my deep research on the subject of Pole Shift, Major Earth Changes, sharing What we can expect and HOW to Properly Prepare; on Major Conference Stages with World Renown Experts such as Dr. Carl Johan Calleman, Graham Hancock, Colin Andrews, Richard C. Hoagaland, Dannion Brinkley,  Mike Barra, etc, on this topic of Major Earth Changes, How Best to Properly Prepare, Spiritually, Mentally and Physically, as well as Building Safe Communities for the events ahead.

My own study covers four decades of study and meticulous research on this subject which long ago, with my hard and fast skepticism...I originally sought to disprove...only to find out it was true and now work hard for several years to clear the myths and misconceptions, so those who wish and may resonate, can be safe and rebuild. Proof also comes with 1st hand knowledge about our Government, and Military and the Elite, quickly building bunkers, Worldwide, for these events.

I am available for Psychic Reading Consultations by phone, Face Book Messenger, or Skype, as I have done also for over 40 years, with Clients all over the world, as well as my Radio Talk Show, 'Beyond the Here and Now'  Worldwide.

Feel free to contact me for an appointment if your heart feels drawn to do so.

Please...through ALL this, remember... remain in the 'CALM  the Eye of the Storm'.

Wishing ALL Well.                                                                 

In Love and Light,

Antonia Lau
818 381-4902 or 818-457-6880