Intuitive Abilities Used Harmlessly
=========================================================== Today the world is seeing an explosion of interest in intuitive development. Even people living quite conventional lives are being drawn to classes that focus on learning how to develop and use psychic gifts and healing abilities.
To become more intuitive and connected to spirit is vital for every person alive today. To fully participate in and help shape the new paradigm world, one must reconnect with one’s birthright of intuitive knowing. This is a gift available to all, yet it must be developed and honed. There is a learning curve, and there are unseen factors that will influence how quickly one develops and integrates the abilities. Unseen factors include those that are outside the person’s conscious awareness.

One example is the man who in past lives felt ridiculed or abused by others with psychic powers. A medium may have psychically looked into this man’s future in one life and frightened him with fear-based warnings about upcoming events outside of his control. One of these could have been telling the man he should avoid all future contact with his brother or risk being killed when his brother’s jealously turned violent. In another life, a psychic may have predicted the death of his only child, giving him detailed visual descriptions of how his son would die.

Today, very likely, he carries in his DNA limiting belief systems about the nonphysical world and psychics. Those beliefs could include vows to avoid seeing psychically or to distrust information that comes from the spiritual realms. Until beliefs such as these are cleared from the man’s DNA, there will be selective blocks to intuitive development. He may have no trouble learning to feel energy in a healing, for example, but he experiences nothing tangible when asking to psychically see someone’s aura or angel. Since belief systems recorded in the DNA are in the subconscious, outside of ordinary awareness, the man may feel confused and frustrated when he attempts a simple process others use to psychically see into the nonphysical realms.

A second example is the woman who immerses herself in a series of psychic development courses. She could be learning about healing, the world of angels, channeling, or the nonphysical world of orbs and spirit guides. It is her keen desire and intent to open fully to her natural gifts. She remembers having some experiences with an imaginary friend as a child, and intuitively sensing when relatives would die. As an adult, before beginning her intuitive development studies, she recalls that most of her childhood psychic experiences had been set aside as irrelevant for the adult world she inhabited. She is aware, though, of a longtime adult pattern of seeming to know a friend would be calling a few minutes before the phone rang. Likewise, she has become accustomed to sensing what kind of mood a person is in, before they say a word. The psychic development courses help this woman to realize how intuitive she already is.

The woman is so overtaken by her excitement of applying what she has learned in her classes that she jumps into offering readings before fully understanding how to do so with discernment and harmlessness. These are developing skills, and she is impatient. She doesn’t understand how harmful just a few words can be. After all, she reasons, what she is psychically seeing or otherwise intuiting is “true” and people need to know truth to make the wisest choices. Until the woman learns to use her gifts appropriately, however, she runs the risk of sabotaging her own development. There is a universal principle that spiritual abilities blossom as a person develops in conscious awareness. Misuse of spiritual powers runs counter to this, and will slow progress. Likewise, using psychic gifts to harm others will have a boomerang effect. The intuitive woman seeks only to help others, but since she’s unaware of how these principles work, she sets up needless cycles of drama in others’ lives and attracts negativity into her own life path.
Checklist for Appropriate Use of Psychic Powers
The following are some guidelines for using psychic powers appropriately. Keep these in mind as you receive intuitive information about other people. Also, consider this list when you are the recipient of psychic information.
Boundaries and the Law of Non-interference
People often invade the space of others they seek to help. This happens in many situations, both mundane and psychic. When countries do it, wars often result. When people do it, the interference is often justified as helpfulness. The patterns of interference are learned. Most people are told what to do from an early age, and they learn to tell others what to do. The advice-giving is often accompanied by judgment. The person receiving the advice is frequently made to feel wrong. There may be warnings of dire consequences, too. The one giving advice sometimes does it to feel superior or to have power over the recipient. Perhaps the recipient is confused about a course of action and seems to welcome being told what they should do. Many times, even a normally cautious individual will seek out advice from others if given information warning of foul play or other troublesome news. There is a mistaken notion that interfering with this type of advice-giving is caring.

In order to operate for the highest good of all, an intuitive approaches psychic gifts, the sharing of them, and the space of others as sacred. Boundaries are respected. There is an honoring of all life and a desire to create a positive force. There is a remembrance that everyone is Divine, and that each person has their own unique path. Judgments of others do not belong in intuitive readings. It is not up to the intuitive to fix others, tell people what to do, or create a fear-based drama that will keep the recipient returning for more readings.
Discernment — Meanings, Timing and Language
Discernment is needed in the understanding and sharing of information. The first step is the initial translation of the symbolic world of spirit. The symbols in this mystical world cannot be taken literally. One symbol can have a multitude of meanings, depending on circumstances. It takes practice to learn the language of the nonphysical world.

Once an intuitive has received information and placed it into context, the second step is questioning how, when and if to share information received. Timing is often a vital element. Sometimes the recipient would either be adversely impacted or simply unable to hear or assimilate a piece of information, based on when it is received. Language is a key component too. For the information to be useful and relevant to the recipient’s circumstances, words are carefully chosen.

An intuitive develops these skills over time and with practice. Skillful means with intuitive gifts involves being able to share even the most sensitive information appropriately and with harm to none. This is done in a way that leaves the recipient uplifted, and with more clarity about the next steps.
How to Recognize Misuse of Psychic Gifts
Imagine you are having lunch with your best girlfriend, sharing the latest news. Perhaps you give her a highlight or two from your recent psychic reading. It could have been a casual reading from an intuitive friend, an unsolicited psychic prediction, or a professional intuitive reading.

As you picture telling her the insights listed below, consider the possibility that the psychic has crossed the boundaries of noninterference and appropriateness. Keep in mind, also, the ever-present risk of misinterpreting things said in a reading and molding the meaning to suit ego-based desires. People will quite often hear what they want to hear or what they are ready to hear, so the psychic will need to be skilled in order to know how to present information.

Every person, at some time, has had a desire to be famous or to fall in love with their soul mate. Psychic information that simply flatters the person’s ego, or creates a feeling of special-ness, is not helpful to spiritual progress. Quite often, it’s not so much whether an intuitive shares information, but when and how. Certainly, when information is fear-based, or delivered in a way that generates fear, it is a misuse of psychic power.

Remember that future-oriented information is an indicator only and not a guarantee of what will happen. The future predicted now is only based on what is happening now in your life, and upon your consciousness. Your future can change, depending on actions you take, shifts in your consciousness, and unforeseen factors outside of your control. Likewise, even though it’s normal to want guarantees in life, avoid putting too much weight on a psychic prediction that you will be fortunate or escape misfortune. That is fantasy thinking and will lead to disappointment.

As you read this list of possible insights from your psychic reading, invite your intuitively guided reason to show you why each of them has the potential to cause harm.

1. My psychic friend predicted that I would be a famous singer.
2. In last week’s intuitive reading, I found out I’m going to be married to my twin flame in 5 years.
3. My intuitive counselor told me that I should leave my husband.
4. A psychic lady I met last week at a party said my husband is lying to me.
5. The intuitive who works in my office told me on a coffee break that I’m in the wrong career.
6. An intuitive at a psychic fair told me I will be better off when I cut all ties with my lifelong best friend.
7. A well-known astrologer told me I have only 7 years to live, because of karma.
8. In a psychic reading, I found out that my ex-husband is harming me energetically, even while I sleep!
9. My astrologer told me that I would never be fired from my job.
10. When I went for my first session with a medical intuitive, desiring to heal my relationship with my estranged husband, she said she psychically saw a large tumor in my uterus which had begun spreading throughout my body.
11. A lady on the psychic hotline told me that my mother never loved me.
12. My brother, who is taking psychic development classes, told me he now understands our family drama and that it’s all my fault.
Know Your Rights and Choices
If someone has given you a psychic reading, keep an open mind but also know you have the right to question. It is your responsibility to take the information and run it by your heart and intuitively guided reason. Don’t give your power away to others, regardless of who they are. Keep in mind that sometimes your inner resistance or inability to face a painful reality can color your interpretation of a psychic reading. Ask for your own inner spiritual guidance to show you how to interpret the reading, as well as how you can most appropriately respond. If you aren’t sure about a piece of information, and it doesn’t ring true for you at your heart center, sit with it for a while and invite spirit to help you clarify what is in your highest good. Remind yourself that you always have a choice of what you do with information you receive. Set your intent to be a conscious choice maker.
For The Intuitive – A Remedy for Psychic Damage
If you feel that you may have harmed someone with an intuitive reading, consider the following remedy. First, forgive yourself. Second, let go of all judgment. Third, check in with your own intuitively guided reason to determine what adjustments you will want to make in how you approach use of your psychic gifts. Ask to be shown where your blind spots are, and what ego-based patterns within you are sabotaging your intentions to help others without harm. Fourth, ask for clarity about appropriate follow-up with the person you sense was harmed. Fifth, take responsibility for your actions with the appropriate follow-up. Sixth, after completing this circle of energy, let it all go. Go gently with yourself as you move forward with more wisdom.
Checklist for The Intuitive
If you are reading these words, this is a lifetime when you are opening to a more conscious awareness of intuitive gifts. Knowing that use of these abilities can be the source of both suffering as well as liberation, you may feel uneasy about applying them. It is prudent to be cautious, but don’t let your caution turn into fear. The more you work with your abilities in positive ways, the more quickly you can develop confidence and tangible skills. These skills can be of great benefit, not only to you personally but to others. Honing your intuitive abilities is not a luxury during these times of great change on the Earth. You cannot afford to hide them, to dilute them, or to pretend that you do not possess them. These natural abilities will help you to make sense out of the world’s nonsense, and to help others move out of fear. After all, you have incarnated now to help facilitate humanity’s paradigm shift, correct?
Whether you are speaking with strangers, loved ones or clients, you will want to use your intuitive gifts responsibly. Right now, then, you can set your intentions of how you will share your gifts. Consider the following as you make your own checklist of intentions.

1. Seek to bring more light, more clarity and more wholeness into each life you touch.
2. Be humble. No one likes a show-off.
3. Remember that people have enough illusions already. Decide that you will not add to their illusions with the information you provide.
4. Consider whether a person has asked you for help, and if so, what they have given you permission to do.
5. Decide that you will be patient with yourself, your process, and with the person you are helping. As part of that, avoid saying the first thing that comes to you intuitively, without first doing a reality check to know about appropriateness.
6. When you receive information about another person, ask for intuitive guidance to know why you are receiving it. Then ask what the information means. Once you know that, ask what the information will mean to the recipient. Then ask if it is helpful for the recipient to have the information right then, and if so, how to present it. If it’s not appropriate to share it right then, ask to be shown how you are to utilize the information to help the person and/or to grow spiritually yourself.
7. Recognize the limitation of your abilities. This includes being able to foretell the future for people. You will want to put such information into context, knowing that predictions are only possibilities based on current circumstances. Also, avoid providing guarantees to people.
8. Decide that you will seek intuitive guidance that is based on the highest good and the highest truth. As part of that, when you connect with the nonphysical realm you will want to ask for guidance that comes from the highest pure light source.
9. Be respectful of other peoples’ space, time and energy.
10. Offer guidance appropriately and then let go. Do not try to control the lives of others. Let people walk their own path.

As you continue the journey of rediscovering your Divine nature, we surround you with our love and blessings.

We are The Council of 12.
Copyright 2007 by Selacia * All Rights Reserved
Note from Selacia—”These days more and more people are learning to use their natural intuitive talents. It is part of the times that we live in. Sometimes people take an intuitive arts class simply to become more comfortable connecting with intuitive guidance for their own personal lives. Frequently, people also learn these skills so that they can assist others such as loved ones or clients. When I teach others about appropriate use of psychic gifts, I regularly emphasize discernment and approaching the work ethically. In this month’s message, I asked The Council of 12 to further elaborate on what constitutes harmlessness when an intuitive is interacting with others. The interactions they address include conversations with strangers, family, and clients. As you can see from the examples given, a person’s psychic abilities can be used for both benefit and harm. A psychic can harm others even while believing their work is in full integrity. Humanity’s history has countless examples of the harm caused by inappropriate application of psychic gifts. Most likely, if you are exploring or using your psychic abilities now, in the past you either witnessed or were at the effect of harmful misapplication of such gifts. Because of those past experiences, you could be blocked in this life as you endeavor to open up more to your natural intuitive gifts.
Have you ever wondered why some people shut down the expression of their intuitive gifts? Everyone has natural intuitive abilities, but oftentimes a person can feel blocked from using them. Were you aware that a key to restoring full use of your psychic abilities is held within your own DNA? Quite often, as The Council of 12 mentions this month, a person will be impacted, unknowingly, by belief systems they inherited or took on in a past life when it perhaps wasn’t safe to be psychic. These beliefs are hidden in the subconscious, out of ordinary view. However, they are very real and will affect a person as long as they remain in the person’s DNA. For example, a person could have made a vow to avoid seeing clairvoyantly during earlier times when psychics were persecuted. Or a person could have shut down their psychic vision because of witnessing abuses of spiritual powers. Most likely, over a number of lifetimes, people will have had both positive and negative experiences with the psychic and spiritual realms. This means a mixed bag of belief systems, some of which are a help and some of which are a hindrance to full use of intuitive abilities in the current life.