In the late 1970’s, Master Psychic and Spiritual/Metaphysical Expert, ANTONIA LAU, researched deeply through Scientific AND Metaphysical/Spiritual data for 5 years, to uncover the Truth and discard the Myths of the 2012 Event. She found 3 credible sources and has followed those confirmed indicators and has continued to check this input, for over 40 years, to this current time.


DECEMBER 21, 2012 Actually marks the Last Warning as we are heading through the Galactic Center the Ancient Mayan’s tried to Warn us about. The Meteorites are one of the indicators that we are ‘On the Runway! A Symphony of Events are happening, to bring about the Perfect Storm…and THESE EVENTS ARE RAPIDLY APPROACHING- but the ‘Powers that Be through the media that they control Wanted everyone to see it as a ‘Crywolf’ so NO ONE WOULD DO A THING TO PREPARE, WHILE THEY HAVE PREPARED VAST AMOUNTS OF BUNKERS FOR THEIR USE ONLY!!!


-Denial (because it’s a convenient rationalization? Or because ‘Society’ says it’s a Myth?)

-Fear (out of ignorance of what’s to come and your role at this time?)

– OR Preparation, born of your applying knowledge and insight, in a Spiritual, Metaphysical AND Practical manner to be Safe and Help Rebuild!

It this subject resonates with you, please see the Major Earth Changes  Section on this website For Much More inclusive information- Just WHAT to Do and HOW BEST to Properly Prepare.  Watch the FULL Workshop Videos (1-12)

– You are welcome to  CONTACT ME TO ARRANGE FOR A  LECTURE on the topic:
‘The True Spiritual/Metaphysical Meaning of the ‘Major Earth Changes’ and its PROPER Preparation’, globally, in your area at
(818) 381-4902 or email me at:

©2009 – 2010 Antonia Lau• All rights reserved • See Use Statement •In Love and Light