When the ‘Guides’ show a person a direction, or outcome, on the path they are headed…it is then upon that individual to take the necessary steps, with the proper attitude, true intention, and most of all complete trust in God and All Light Beings, to move through Life, in their own best direction.

One sour thought…attitude…distrust…giving up…will throw the person to that lower vibrational pathway…Instead of the better choice that was shown.

Each person Must take responsibility for their Own manifestations based on their own thoughts. Especially at this Time of Greatest Change… By being Divinely guided and led where they are best…THIS will be the experience of each excuses.

They must Trust and focus on the END RESULT and NOT buy into irrational fear, which continually lowers the vibratory rate of the person, mankind AND…the Earth.

In Divine love and light,

Radio talk show host – Antonia Lau – Professional Celebrity Psychic