When I began including Active Volcano frequency in my Major Earth Changes and Pole Shift research I had, back in 1999. The total active Worldwide at the time was 20-

-then it went to some 60 …then 70 odd …then 120…. around 2010….then in the past few years, 140 around 2013….then 160 then on to over 170 Active…then 190  in the past 2 years

I checked again on that same reliable source…AND CURRENTLY as of Winter 2017, I counted, then recounted 3 times~~~

over 1100 Active Volcanoes Worldwide!!!! 

THIS is NOT to be Ignored!  Throughout my Workshops on this subject matter I stress, that all PAY ATTENTION to the EARTH, Herself, NOT a Date !

This is even outside the huge number of Sink holes, Bird and Fish massive deaths, Floods, and Erratic Weather Patterns, dramatic  drop and disappearing water levels in the ocean shorelines, rivers and Earthquake exponentially increasing Worldwide each week now,  every day, NOT sporadically.

In 2015 alone over 131 million people were rendered homeless, worldwide due to disasters and devastation.  Yet the Mainstream Media, just reports for the Local area, rather than tell the world audience about their ‘neighbors’.  

Take a Look…take a Good Look around you….as most are falling for the myriads of distractions placed in front of their faces instead.

SO Many Active Volcanoes, so quickly growing…that many remain unnamed as well. ALL this activity is a precursor to magnetic and geographic Pole Shift Activity…as well as the current Solar and Galactic Natural Cycles, of Earth Growth and change.  See for yourself as you Calmly, Mentally, Spiritually AND Physically, PROPERLY PREPARE!

Whether you want it to or not, the Planet IS Growing…no matter if humankind is here or not.  Only Cognitive Dissonance would block anyone from not realizing this is a  Natural Cycle of Earth Change.   They will either resonate or continue to remain in denial.

Take a Look for yourself at the Volcano Discovery’s List of Current Active Volcanoes Worldwide: 
