My association to Bruce Beach and his amazing efforts towards humanity, began during my research of Safe Communities and Bunker systems, for various world concerns, back in early the 2000’s.  I was impressed that one man and his wife, would take their own monies and build such a structure for the benefit of humankind.  I knew it was this level of care and compassion, that ALL must have for one another, during this time of the Major Earth Changes, and rapidly changing political climes in the World today.

Since that time I have built a warm bond with Bruce Beach on these matters, and have visited he and Jean at their home and to the ‘Ark Two’.  Now, even 40yrs later, it is still a better choice than most will have out there, when the time comes.  Right now, the Ark Two and Bruce and Jean’s home is in Emergency Crises in need of funds for back taxes, to the Township, who plans to Repossess it, to pay those taxes.  After ALL they have spent there time, money and efforts on, this is the Last thing this wise,beautiful, elderly couple should be facing!!! PLEASE Help see that this DOES NOT HAPPEN!!  ACT SOON!! !!  Thank YOU!!                                                                           Contact Bruce at: email: or ph: (519) 925-6035                                                                                                     MUST WATCH THE BRILLIANT VIDEO BELOW!!    Featuring Bruce Beach and Ark Two.  A FANTASTIC Job…Not only sharing Bruce and Jean’s extension of compassion and caring concern for humankind,  with Bruce’s Vision for the World, and their story— with their well deserved respect… it aids in inspiring MANY Others, to do the same, for the greater benefit to mankind, for generations to come, to give from the heart and soul..for the greater benefit of Others…as Bruce and Jean have.- A.L.