Safe Locations For the Major Earth Changes

Location Reading Consultations Available with Antonia Lau

To those that are aware of the need to choose Safe Locations, may I suggest IF they are to actually survive the Major Earth Changes currently in process… that they utilize the ‘Guidance’ I was ‘given’  not only for the Location , but the WAY it should be built, as well as the other information contained in this website.   If the World Governments and the elite are putting their ‘bunkers’ underground…don’t you think you should?

While many other’s  who are popular, have their own version of ‘what is a ‘Safe Location’,  my deep research shows and personal experiences shows, Edgar Cayce is the THE most credible source for this info.  In the book ‘Earth Changes Update’ , based on his Readings by his son Hugh Lynn Cayce, Cayce states, he will be BORN in the year 2100 AD (not as some erroneously state 2138 AD nor 2200 AD- see the book) in what is the New West Coast, Nebraska.  It would have happened sooner than this current time, but the development of human awareness, was not ready until now.  We most also realize that it states in the book as well as the Bible, ” No man will me given the exact date…but those that know Him, WILL be Given the Season…” . I am thankful and grateful, as I Was Given the Season, along with other details…to share with those who may resonate.

While the maps show areas left and Cayce discusses New lands will come up; The entire Planet will be effected by the massive changes.  You Must realize this is the NORMAL, NATURAL Cycle of EARTH Growth and Change, and has happened Many, many  times before in Earth’s 4.5 Billion years of existence. However it is outside our known history, due to prior destructions.Earth WILL Grow and change whether humans want her to, or not. Mandatory Preparation IS necessary, Mentally, Spiritually AND PHYSICALLY.

This is what I have termed, a ‘Symphony of Events’ that IS Currently in Process, including the GEOGRAPHIC POLE SHIFT NOT Just the Magnetic Pole Shift !   Those that superficially take a look and the information and disinformation out there,  and surmise it is only a Magnetic Pole Shift; are frightened, knowing inside.  They have no control over the Events Ahead, and are in a state of Cognitive Dissonance, and are unable to face or process this knowledge.

While it is difficult, humankind has experienced this Many times before.  Each Person, each soul has promised to complete their Life lessons, with Love and Compassion, for others.   When Listening to their intuition and using discernment; those destined to continue on with Proper Preparation advised on this site, will not only Survive, but Thrive and Rebuild…for the greater benefit of generations to come.

These are the most accurate ‘future maps’ arrived by my 40 yr extensive research on this subject.   First and foremost,  you will see below the Edgar Cayce Future Map.  While it may not be as clear as we would like, since technology of the time did not allow, dark areas show the absence and/or greatest areas of land mass destruction.  PLEASE SCROLL ALL THE WAY DOWN.



This Compilation Map shows more detail and is similar to the Edgar Cayce Future Map
While the Edgar Cayce Future Map is the most Accurate, Gordon Michael Scallion’s Future Maps Below show details, more clearly.