After just hearing about the supposed ‘Wildfires in Paradise, California, I KNEW there was a heinous reason it had been targeted by the elite for some reason…just by the name of the town, and I wanted to be ‘guided’ to the real answer as to why… and not the cover stories they would soon offer the Public. By the next day after, I watched for the List of those found dead and those missing. On the list, I noted their ages were in their 70’s, 80’s and 90’s, with just a few exceptions, which I found strange. I waited to see more lists, but after a couple of days after the fire, I could not find any.
I was then ‘Guided’ to listen to a particular video, Normally I do not listen to David Wilcock, as I found long ago his assertion of being the incarnation of Edgar Cayce was false. (Cayce left exact details to his Family Members on how they would know it was him, and David did not pass and has not ever been accepted by the Association of Research and Enlightenment, in Virginia Beach, Va. I also interviewed the author of the book proclaiming this on my Radio Show, ;Beyond the Here and Now and he and his partner stayed at my home for 4 days, and I, again, confirmed this was true)
But it was on another YouTube Show, and David was their Guest discussing a Worldwide Exclusive regarding Paradise, California and conversations he had, had with Henry Deacon that he had recorded in 2007,2008, 2009. and 2010. Wilcock was shocked when he heard the name of the town all over the news all of a sudden last month when the Paradise Fires went across the mainstream media.
This may be hard for some to realize, however, please know, there are benevolent beings God/Creator has created, outside of the human race throughout the Multiverse.
As you watch the videos below. KNOW the fires were NOT Caused to make way for a ‘rapid train system’. That is the Official Government Cover story. The Videos Below, confirm the REAL Reason for the ‘attack’ orchestrated by the elite Cabal.-A.L.