Nibiru, Planet X, Hercolubus, The Red Planet,The Destroyer, The Brown Dwarf, and several other names throughout Earth’s 4.5 billion year history… It was discovered again by Astronomer’s such as Carlos Ferrada; and even written about in several magazines, such as Popular Science; right on the cover in 1960. They discussed how it would appear in our skies in 50 years, and speculated on what effects it would have on here on Earth. Then nothing was heard again, until this Century.
Within my deep research on the Earth Changes for many decades now, I was ‘ Divinely Guided’ to the Nibiru research, and found it to be part of what I term, ‘The Symphony of Events’ along with the Pole/Axial Shift, and several other events we will all experience just a matter of time. Even Edgar Cayce, one of the most credible Psychic of modern times warns of Hercolubus’ return.
I chose to donate over 65 hrs to another Nibiru Researcher and his science analyst, to help them aid humanity, as well, as all others who have this ‘knowing’, this ‘calling’ about the events ahead…along with a destiny to CALMLY, Properly Prepare, with compassion for others, and to rebuild after the events,,,,in Divine Service to God/Creator and humankind… for generations to come.
Please take a look at the Videos Below to Learn how the Elite have known, and continue to keep the population in the dark. 1st with the Video by a retired Military Officer, 2nd of Carlos Ferrada, the Astronomer who tried to alert us of his findings, and 3rd, a video showing the magazine articles this past century on the Planet.-A.L.