How I came to the work of Edgar Cayce~

Edgar Cayce, is America’s foremost Prophet.  With over 14,000 transcribed Readings from his body of work, one can glean amazing truths about our origin, purpose and true mission, covering hundreds of thousands of years of  Actual human and divine history.  His works include detailed information on the Pole Shift, Major Earth Changes, Nibiru (Hercolubus), the origin of humankind, the Cosmos, healing the Body, and necessary Soul Growth.

Several decades ago, I had a highly intense Divine experience one night, after a co-worker, a seminary student, found out I was doing Professional Psychic Readings for the upper-management personnel.

She came in one morning and yelled  loudly at me for 15 mins, with everyone arriving for work.  She stated, ” People will abuse my ‘Gift’, etc.”   It bothered me the rest of the day.  I spoke to God all the way driving home, saying, “God, I know this ‘Gift’ is to be used for the benefit of others’…please show me, if I am not to do Readings…

That night, I tried to go to sleep, but was still bothered by her over the top reaction.  All of a sudden, a man in a Navy Blue suit, bald with hands folded in front of his body, said, “The A.R.E. needs you”  I said “what?”  and immediately asked for divine protection. I  heard, a chorus of voices from the Guides say, “Antonia, would we ever bring anything negative around you?”  I felt silly… and the man repeated…”The A.R.E. needs you”.  I said, “okay, thank you” (nervously).  I looked to my left and there was a Japanese man in a kimono, with a bandana with the rising sun on his brow, beaming at me and smiling with a bouquet of flowers for me.   I just wanted to sleep and again said, “thank you” to the man in the business suit but i was certainly nervous about both of them on either side of my bed.

I finally fell asleep and had very vivid, lucid dreams clarifying the event that took place earlier that morning… that gave me peace.  I heard the Guides, say, “Antonia, you ‘see’ from the 4th dimension and soon you will ‘see’ from the 5th dimension, as we do.  Each grows in their own time. All is well”, they said.

I woke up and went to work arriving 45 mins early as always, to settle in.  A co-worker who arrives 30 mins before work, got off the elevator and said, ” Antonia, Hi, I got something in the mail for the previous tenant and I brought it in for you, since I know you’re into meditation and that sort of thing.”

She handed me the envelope… and In the upper left hand corner… the return address said…  A.R.E. Virginia Beach.  I SCREAMED out loud in shock!  I opened it, and it was a three month free trial membership to join.  I immediately asked if she had a stamp, drew a line through the previous name and address and wrote in my own.  I said to her. “You MUST Witness me dropping this right into the Mail chute!”… and she did.

In ALL my Metaphysical Studies, for many years at that point in 1981, I had not ever come across Edgar Cayce’s name nor heard of the ‘A.R.E.’… Until in the dream, that night before!

…And there’s More!  To continue…that same day after I had mailed the A.R.E. trial membership down the mail chute; and as I sat at the reception desk, I finished the book I was reading.  I knew I could not sit all afternoon,  in between hundreds of calls that came in sporadically, without having something to read! So at my Lunchtime 45 minute Break, I clocked out and ran down to my car, quickly drove to the Bookstore a couple of blocks a way, and looked in all my favorite sections for a book to purchase.  I couldn’t find one, I resigned to go back without one, and walked through the narrow section to leave by the cashier, and would quickly ‘drawn’ to look up on the top shelf next to the cashier, in the Geology section!?  Lo and behold!!! My eyes landed right on the book, ‘The Sirius Mystery’ by Robert G. Temple!!!  Shocked,  I grabbed the book and threw it on the counter to pay, jumped back in my car to get back to work to clock in on time.

WHY is this significant?  Because, when I arrived home after the Seminary student had yelled at me…I had picked up the local paper as I got my mail and thought I would take a look in the Weekly Astrology article, to see if it could shed some light on what had happened with her earlier that morning.  The Author of that page was on Holiday so there was no Astrology forecast, however in it’s place was and article about a Book about the planet, Sirius, and the Dogon tribe of Africa, who knew about the Dog Star Constellation for thousands of years before scientists had even discovered it’s existence in 1976… They taught a method of Spiritual initiation of 5 levels to their people. 

You see, in the series of dreams the night after the event, that brought me peace of mind, the Guides showed me the Washington Monument Obelisk and said, “…you see Charlotte (the women who had yelled at me)  only knows the truth from the 1st side or 1st level”, they said, “but, Antonia, you know there are 4 side or 4 levels to the truth.”  Then I was actually shown by looking down above the top of the Obelisk and could see a tiny Charlotte facing the front side!  They said  “…and soon you will see from the 5th level as we do.  Like a man in a canoe on a river at night cannot see around the bend…” Then, I was placed behind the man in the canoe, and suddenly pulled up above, where I could see around the bend the lights of a town, the man could not see while seated in his boat.  “All is well, Antonia…all in their own time”  

After purchasing the book, I quickly drove back to the office, and ran to punch in on time, jumped back in the reception chair, plopped the book on the desk, and opened it up to the middle…BANG!!  There was a picture of 5 Obelisks drawn by the tribe, the description said, depicting the awareness of Truth from the 1st level, next pages were the obelisk showing the 2nd, 3rd and 4th levels of Truth…the 5th level however, I was to find is reserved only after a very special ‘Initiation Ceremony’.  Shock again!…because this confirmed what the Guides had shown and told me the night before!  I still have the book today, underlined with notes in the margins.  I use to read a book a week (now it’s 5 at a time)…and THAT week was amazing!

The following week, when I was done with ‘The Sirius Mystery’, I bought a book  based on Edgar Cayce’s work, and eventually dove into reading eventually some 20 plus more.  Not to end yet!…I was attending a special meditation class for many years, with a Brazilian mentor, Lina Ferreira DeSouza, who was extremely Gifted and could see what was in the room after we were prepared and cleansed for deep meditations each week.  I would always sit at the last seat at the side, near the end of the long table.  After meditation, she told the group of us, Cayce’s Son was at the very end of the table, during the meditation.  Then another member of the class said, Hugh Lynn Cayce, Edgar’s son had just died, the week before.  Stunned, yet again, I sat quietly absorbing that information.

Since that time, I have studied, utilized, and inspired many others, through his work, thousands of Clients, and audiences…after that very intense night….now knowing then,  it was Edgar Cayce, himself, I saw, saying…” The A.R.E. needs you.”

In my life, psychic since early childhood, I have always, deeply researched Spiritual/Metaphysical subjects; first trying to disprove them.   With Cayce’s material, I KNEW it was true and correct, confirming all I had learned and adding much more knowledge. There is nothing light in his extensive information covering not only Natural Health Solutions, but information about the Cosmos, the World, our Origin… ALL of importance to humankind, with the such great detail…it cannot be overlooked as a vast wealth to our growth and greater understanding of ALL there is.

Since the 80’s, I work to this very day, to rid myths and misconceptions from our belief system and to inspire our human evolution and soul growth… through my work, Award winning Radio Shows, workshops and lectures… to thousands since that time.  It is part of the foundation of my personal practice in my Life.  I have always asked to be ‘Guided’ to real truths of our existence.  And now many years later, without planning, I can confirm, Cayce of course is using the Third Eye…keeps the physical body young…ageless…It DOES!!!

Most Important…If you are truly seeking the actual knowledge of the World, the Cosmos, and our existence…you MUST look into the many books based on his actual work…and to the wonderful organization he founded…the A.R.E., The Association of Research and Enlightenment.   Still located in Virginia Beach, Va, with a Membership that extends worldwide, along with a Hospital he established, and Atlantic University, he founded…ALL to carry on his Great Legacy to humankind!

Please watch the video below for more about this great Soul…who states he will be reborn in 2100 A.D. in the Nebraska, the, then, New West Coast., (found on page 104 of the book by his son Hugh Lynn Cayce, titled ‘Earth Changes Update’)-A.L.