Twin Flames are Real…AND RARE….However, most do not realize they should not go looking for their Twin Flame.  It is a Divine Soul Contract made by One Spiritually advanced Soul, who ask God/Creator and the Divine Hierarchy to split into Feminine and Masculine, to be reborn on Earth to evolve at twice the rate of a single person, separately.   The are only drawn together in Divine Timing, and are always parted, so each may continue their separate soul growth and missions, including all other relationships.   They will only be called back together, when it is time to complete their Divine Mission together, that positively benefits Many other souls that will be around them at that time….However, though parted physically….once they have met, they can not ever be truly separated.  There will always be a true-knowing of the other Twin Flame, throughout their lives…of how one is feeling, thinking, caring, etc.    I have written other posts on the subject here in the website, just search Twin Flames and Soul Mates for more details.    Reading the article below will clear up some issues regarding the FALSE Twin Flame as well as the video after.-A.L.


False Twin Flame Characteristics – The 7 Signs You Should Look Out For

by Meagan Elizabeth | The Pink Ray
‘The human heart feels things the eyes cannot see, and knows what the mind cannot understand’ – Robert Vallett
When you are looking for your twin flame, there’s a possibility that you encounter the false twin flame on the way.
It is the relationship that seems quite similar to the genuine flame connection, but in reality, there’s a big difference.
The true relationship nurtures your soul, while the false one only drains your energy. The false twin feeds on your energy without you realising.
Many unique false twin flame characteristics will help you to distinguish the true from fake very quickly.

False Twin Flame Characteristics:

More Sexual than Spiritual

The true twin flame relationship is present at soul level. It is spiritual as well as a sexual connection.
But, the false relationship is more about sex. You want to be with the person all the time, and the physical contact matters a lot for you both.

Separations and Diversions

In a true twin relationship, there is a phase of separation, but once twins come together, it is for forever.
There is no separation, playing with emotions, and then going away, like in the false relationship.
The wrong twin will feed on your energy, and when they feel full, they leave with an excuse, and when they again feel the thirst, they come back to you to drain you.

The Manipulation Game

The false twins know how to play this game and win it. They manipulate you on an emotional and physical level.
You don’t find them around when you need them. There are times when there are no calls or emails at all; but many times, they show that it is hard for them to live without you for even a second.

Dream Invasion

The false twins will appear in your dream often. It seems like they travel in your dream for real. In fact, these dreams hold the profound message for you about their reality.
When you wake up and try to understand what the dream was about, you feel more drained.

Never Open Up

The true twin flame relationship has a deep soul connection. In it, there are no veils and curtains.
Both twins open up in front of each other at soul level; they understand each other’s emotions.
But the false twins never open up and keep the true emotion to themselves. They do that so you cannot see their correct form.


In the true twin relationship, there is no obsession but only care and understanding. But when you are with the false twin, you feel obsessed with every matter.

One-Sided Awakening

The twins come together for awakening. It occurs on both ends. But in the false twin relationship, it is a one-sided matter.
The false twins guide others how to awaken spiritually but never try to do anything on their own.

A Jealous Twin

When you get successful, a false twin will make you feel guilty about it because they are not happy with what you have achieved.
On the other hand, the real twin will be happier than you over your success.