The Original ‘Guided information’ Videos~

The 5 Part Videos, after the Intro video below, are sharing actual ‘Guided’ Information, I was actually ‘given’, in the highest way.  I do not receive symbolic details ever, and they are pre-cognitive in nature, with full detail shown to me visually and audibly.   It not ‘speculation’ or a theory, or belief.

As a highly respected, credible Psychic for over 40 years, I have the  confirmed duty of ‘Divine Service’ to ‘share’ the information I am given, for the benefit to humankind…for all who may resonate.  The messages are to inform, Not create fear and panic, (which only blocks intuition and discernment, being poor choices of emotion)… but to illicit all to engage on a soul level, to their true purpose and mission during this time of Major Earth Growth and Change.

An example of the accuracy of the what I am ‘Given’, for humankind:

In the the period of 1996 through 1998, when dealing with Clients for my Psychic Readings, a few would ask about the ‘End of the World’ prophecies, regarding the year 2000 and the Y2K issues.  They worried about just what was to happen and what to do to prepare.  During the Readings, being Clairvoyant and Clairaudient, I actually ‘see and hear’ the Clients, ‘Guide/Guardian Angel’.  I was told, to tell them, “They would see the major Earth changes begin January 2005.”

What happened in the world just 5 days before that date? 

The Sumatra Earthquake and Tsunami, happened.  December 26th, 2004.  This Natural event of Earth Growth and change, took the lives of over 250,000 people in less than 15 minutes, and affected over 800,000 on several coasts…moving the entire Island one complete mile from its original location.

This many much more that the ‘Guides’ have shown me through my over 40 years of research geologically, scientifically, metaphysically and spiritually, have all come to pass…and continue to be confirmed by scientists and events worldwide, each day.

My 1st video, as you will note, was my 1st attempt at making a video for YouTube…they improve as I go along.  I thank you for understanding, as you take a look.

~Intro to Pt 1-Your Survival-Pole Shift & Cataclysms and Major Earth Changes- Video 1

Part 1-ALERT-Survival-Pole Shift, Nibiru, Cataclysms-Earth’s New Equator After Major Earth Changes

Part 2-ALERT-Time Frame Pole shift & Survival-Nibiru, Cataclysms-Major Earth Changes


Part 3-The Warnings Decoded from the Summer 2013 Crop Circles**

Pt-4-California On A TIMER! 7/8/14 & FORWARD! WARNING Impending Disaster Major Earth Changes Ahead!!

Part-5-Impending Pole Shift -Future Location of the North & South Poles