In my over 40yrs of scientific, geographic and Metaphysical/Spiritual research of the Natural Cycle of Pole Shift and its attendant Earth Changes and Upheaval, I find more and more information that confirms All that I have been ‘Divinely Given’, regarding these events, currently in process.

When I was ‘shown’ that the final position of the South Pole would be Capetown, South Africa; I calculated the New North Pole, which will be between the Aleutians and Siberia Longitude and around 1000 miles North of the Hawaiian Archipelago Latitude.   Scientists already confirm Hawaii used to be in the Antarctic Circle, and, what is left of the archipelago, after the major changes,  will be at the New Arctic Circle.  (see video)

May I share even more confirmation by Heliophysicist, Marc the Arcturian, in his own inimitable style, he shows this confirmation in the Videos below.  MUST WATCH!

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