This is a very powerful scene from the Movie, ‘Saboteur’ in 1942, with actor Robert Cummings when he faces a ‘ confident gentleman’ with the Love of all that gives him power in the world.  The ‘gentlemen’ is actually on of the ‘elite’, and believes the ‘average man’, played by the actor, is small an insignificant in the ‘elite man’s’ mind.

The scene beautifully sums up the psychopathic, sick, imbalanced mindset, which prevails today , amidst the ‘elite’.  This ruthless group was set in place by the controlling ‘Illuminati’ in the 1760’s, to dominate every protocol in the world.  Unfortunately, through all these since their inception, the population remains totally unaware, of just how sadly they have been duped, suppressed, used and abused, in  every way by this group to this very day.  This is the ‘dark force’ which must fall, for the greater evolution of humankind.

PLEASE WATCH this powerful scene, just scroll down below.

The FULL Movie, in Black and White, can be seen at this Link: