How would you like to be one of the select few that Antonia Lau will personally ‘Draw’ to become a member inside
the Secret Garden Communities?  
 Membership Fees or Donations go toward building Safe Communities.
Not only will you receive all the benefits of a VIP, inside this website, for a limited time by securing an Annual Membership as a VIP, you will be entered into a Drawing, and you save a WHOPPING 18% off your VIP membership.
The Secret Garden Communities is why exists for the sole purpose of building SAFE Sustainable Eco-Communities BEFORE these cataclysmic events; which Antonia Lau has studied and researched intensely, for more than 40 years in preparation for this specific moment in time.
You now have the opportunity to enter the Drawing,  as an Annual VIP Membership holder and  with an incredible 18% off, but you will also be entered into the Golden Ticket contest, for 4 Golden Tickets, allowing you a guaranteed entry in the Drawing, to become a member in one of Antonia Lau’s Secret Garden Communities.  [see prizes below]

3rd Place Prize- 1 Free Custom Astrology Report   $40 Value

2nd Place Prize- 1 Free Reading from Antonia Lau $300 Value

1st Place- 4 Golden Tickets!$100,000+ Value


Golden Ticket