When it comes to Food Production, especially during disaster or catastrophic times that will increase in our World; people must continue to learn to ‘think outside the box’ to alternative methods, other than the traditional.  The traditional methods of farming for the past several hundred years has not been as productive and has caused the soil to be stripped of nutrients necessary for our bodies.  While a traditional farm yields 2.5 lbs of food per square foot, the  Habitus ‘Grow Domes’ are the best solution with the capability of yielding 200 to 300 lbs of nutrient rich, organic food, per square foot with up to  90% less water AND 3 times as fast as the normal garden or farm.  These Domes can be buried and also supply housing as well, with many possible expansive configurations  before during and after catastrophic events.  Please see a previous Post

Meanwhile, WHEN the environment is Safe after the Major Earth Changes and the Weather settles back to a normal pattern, albeit changed based on the Pole Shift and safe from attack by other adversarial  sources are not likely…many will want to surface and farm outside, once.   The Documentary on ‘Back to Eden’ offers a way to do so, yielding a much more favorable awareness, along with a more spiritually focused, method of farming that the traditional or ‘factory farming’ which is our downfall.

Please take a look at the Full Documentary, a you make cohesive pre-planning for your Sustainable Community and its Rebuilding Phase, After the Major Events-A.L.