Movie Suggestions~

Topic-Major Earth Changes, Societal Breakdown after Catastrophic Events

Movies that reflect examples of the Imminent Earth Changes…and the after-effects

These are movies that we suggest you watch, to ‘Inspire’ the many perspectives and possible worst case scenarios, that need not be, IF there is PROPER planning, with a Spiritual, Mental, Practical, Balanced approach, in the coming times.

Although Hollywood takes artistic license… the premise of each of these movies, can add positive insight into your practical preparations…. AND reveal the ‘Elite’s’ plan in many cases, in plain sight. List is in order of intensity…the last two, the most realistic perhaps.

Watch and Learn….look for the hidden and in plain site info….



‘San Andreas’  (2015) with Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson–  In the aftermath of a massive earthquake in California, a rescue-chopper pilot makes a dangerous journey with his ex-wife across the state in order to rescue his daughter.  I am sure the writer’s must have seen my Workshop Videos on this site…as the last line ‘The Rock’ says…is one of my main statements…He says, “We Rebuild!” 

‘A Blast from the Past’ (1999) with Brendan Fraser and Christopher Walken- A light comedic look at a family who ‘prepares’ for nuclear attack. Fun.
Take Shelter’ (2011) with Michael Shannon  Depicts what happens when strong intuitive information is given.  Slow, but well done.
with John Cusack (2009)- Good assessment of events to come, BUT the West Coast Fracture will happen FIRST and prior to the Whole Earth Event, NOT in one day, as portrayed in the Film of course.
The Postman’ with Kevin Costner (1997)  A drifter puts on a postman’s uniform and bag of mail, to survive and  begins a quest to inspire hope to the survivors living in post-apocalyptic America.
Deep Impact’
(1998) with Morgan Freeman, Tea Leoni and Robert Duval- Unveils another little known actual threat and reveals the actual plan our Government (more precisely, the current ‘Elite’) has. The movie doesn’t state it is Planet X or Nibiru, but it is implied.
‘City of Ember’ with Bill Murray (2008)- What happens after being underground in a community,for many years after a disaster and getting back to civilization-Well done!

‘How It Ends’ ( 2018) with Forrest Whitaker.  No one survives alone is the motto. When a mysterious disaster turns the country into a war zone, a young lawyer heads west with his future father-in-law to find his pregnant fiancée. Teaches all what happens to people in just a matter of days.
‘The Road’
with Viggo Mortensen (2009) -Perhaps the Worst Case Scenarios Depicted. This is what happens when you are in denial and haven’t properly prepared.
‘Knowing’- (2009) Nicolas Cage- Intuition plays a big part, but very few pay attention, those that do not prepare. make their only choice.
‘The Crazies’ with Timothy Olyphant (2009) -Military actions in the face of Bio-Weapons and the Government misuse.
‘The Book of Eli’
with Denzel Washington (2010) – Set after an Apocalypse. Some valid assessments… but a bit too ‘Hollywood’
‘Children of Men’– with Clive Owen and Julianne Moore (2006)  In the year 2027, long after Catastrophe, humans cannot reproduce. Excellent Film!
’28 Days Later’ and the sequel ’28 Weeks Later’ (2002 & 2007) -Without the Zombies… This accurately depicts chaos and how we would react in Bio-Hazard conditions.
 ‘The Divide’ with Rosanna Arquette  (2011)   Excellent piece, on what happens to an Apartment Building when a Nuclear Blast Hits a city.
‘Tooth and Nail’ (2007) with Michael Madsen  -What can happen…if you have NO Plan…by far the most intense, even after ‘ The Divide’.