Necessary Spiritual Preparation

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Zen Garden

‘Spiritual Preparation’ for the Imminent Major Physical Earth Changes.
We are all aware  of what has been happening… and will continue to happen, through the times
ahead , and afterwards. Scientists have noted that this is one of the Earth’s normal and natural cyclic patterns, and their findings show in ‘her’ 4.5 billion year history, this has happened 82 times prior for the geographic Pole Shift and at least 131 times for the Magnetic Pole Shift.

More than 30 years ago, I sought to deeply study this ‘Event’ for 5 years; researching it not only scientifically, but Metaphysically and Spiritually as well. I found a few credible sources that I have followed since that time, for over 30 years.

We live in a Mental, Physical, and Spiritual world. Hence, Physical Earth Changes as well as Cosmic changes also affect all of us, mentally and spiritually, as well.

To achieve and reach our highest potentials throughout life, we must continually strive for a balance between all three dynamics. For example, ‘Visionaries, such as  Habitus Building Systems, David B. South of Monolithic Domes, Nader Kalili of Cal-Earth Domes; upon intensifying their intuition and/or spiritual awareness, years ago, received a vivid, detailed, vision about the Worlds need for Safe
Sustainable Housing/Community, and the need for same as a dwelling for many… for their safety and rebuilding phases, through the great Physical changes ahead.

From that Spiritually gained knowledge, each knew on a soul level this was their mission: to facilitate the Safe Housing manifestation, by taking action to produce the end result. Mentally the scientific data to support this and geared his mindset to work totally toward this goal, for the benefit of others, worldwide.

Through my deep, confirmed, research, I found, that the current population of the world prior to being born in this life, petitioned to come to Earth again, exactly at this auspicious time of ‘Greatest Change’, which heralds the evolution of humankind and Earth.


Many, many more souls throughout the cosmos petitioned to come at this time also, but their petitions were declined. The deciding factor…all souls here on Earth at this important time in the Cosmos , had lived through this similar cataclysmic event on Earth before… in previous lives…and excelled!Each soul, prior to their birth this life, was encoded, on a ‘soul level’ as to where they would go for safety and rebuilding through this event. Each brought skill sets that would be necessary and utilized during these times for the benefit of others, in a deeply compassioned way.

However, once we are born here on Earth in physical embodiment, we only retain 1% of this memory in our conscious minds. We had promised, prior to arriving, that we would strive to raise our ‘frequency’, ‘vibration’, spiritual awareness, through our Free-will choices…through our early experiences, on an inner level to re-connect with Source, Force, God, Creator, Divine Consciousness; in the highest ways we can, to ‘hear’, ‘feel’, ‘see’ with that connection to be ‘divinely-guided’ through these major changes ahead.

Enlightened Person

We are Spiritual/Material beings NOT just material beings. We must all continue to raise our Spiritual awareness to match our high intelligence and physicality, for a balanced focus. Otherwise, it’s like a Ferrari in the driveway; great car-but where are you going to go if one tire is flat…Nowhere.Not only is the Earth moving closer to the ‘Galactic Center’ and the Sun, Planets and Asteroids are displaying major changes, normal to the Cycle of Earth Changes; Physically, there is an ‘energetic’, Spiritual change happening to us as well. As we get closer to the ‘Vortex of Energy’ … the ‘God’, “Creator’, ‘Co-Creation’, ‘All there is’ energy… We are being transformed to meet these new changes on the Earth.

During this current period of time, and since the late 80’s, everyone’s ‘psychic or intuitive sense’ is being intensified. For instance, if you were at say ‘Level 1’-psychically, you have found it increasing to a higher level. If you were already very psychic, you are finding your ability increasing exponentially, much more as well.

In our daily lives, we all must continually strive to ‘connect’ to this Universal Consciousness. Each person must do so, in his or her own way…thru Communing with nature, or thru Yoga or Prayer or Meditation or Elevated music or Creativity or Exercise. It’s no one’s business how we ‘connect’ just connect!

Ask inwardly to be ‘guided’ in the highest possible way… CSI Domes, Inc. or Monolithic Domes or Cal-Earth Domes along with the Secret Garden Communities I am creating, are not only a safe sustainable community models for the great Earth Changes ahead…They  allow us to create  ‘CONSCIOUS’ SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES.

With its members drawn first, by an ‘awareness’ that the Major Earth Changes are imminent and a firm plan and actions must be taken to prepare AND something that is saying inside to each  us…that “Life is More than just News, Weather and Sports”,..there is something greater than all of us, that is also a part of us…that we must ALL work together to share our knowledge…do our jobs as best we can…with a strong compassion toward our fellow man.

As we also elect this pioneering spirit to be safe through these events and to ‘Rebuild’ after these events in the world, so it is Better than it was before …for us ALL.

In Love and Light,

Antonia Lau


(For More on Habitus Domes,

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·Beyond the Here and Now Radio talk show host – Antonia Lau – Professional Celebrity Psychic