On Friday there was a 7.5 Earthquake in Palu, Indonesia…the Tsuna mi Alert was called off by Scientists and as a result Many have been killed or are missing, with severe damage, from a 10ft. wave.   This was a Choice, NOT to alert the population, and hardly ANY news could be found elsewhere, in the world about it!   The authorities have continued to not tell the truth about the Earth Changes and the intense uptick in Earthquake and Volcano Activity worldwide that is not reported, except for locally in the area of the events.   ALL these events affect ALL other locations on the Planet at this time, and Must be noted, so ALL who wish, may prepare Properly.

The Video below covers much of this, even though the assessment by the creator considers only the Mulder Minimum of the current Sun Cycle, HOWEVER my over 40yrs of research on this matter shows, this is a Symphony of Events, and a much larger cycle of Earth Growth, which includes the Pole/Axial Shift, along with Nibiru Binary Star Cycles which is MUCH Longer cycles outside our known history,  of Thousands of years, whereas the Solar Minimums are chart only over 200 or so years.   We are currently Experiencing one of the Much Longer Cycles impacts at this time and continuing to escalate.

Despite the difference in the reasons for the massive increases in Major Earth Change Activity,  the Video Below does explain the feelings of the ‘Powers that Be’ NOT to alert the people of Palu, Indonesia….and he cites the statistics of the increase activity very well, with his own individual style, (which is quite different from my own)  Let’s be flexible and not offended….and Learn More!-A.L